Chapter 10

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"That's the last of it" Eddie smiled at Buck and I.

"Thank you so much for helping again" I said gratefully.

"Thanks for not yelling at us this time" he smirked with a laugh.

"Very funny, in my defense you guys were being really loud and I was trying to sleep" I rolled my eyes.

"I just like giving you a hard time, but I'm going to head out if you guys need anything else just let me know" he ruffled my hair making me laugh and push him away.

"Thanks, Eddie" I gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks again, bud" Buck spoke to Eddie as he walked him to the door saying his goodbyes.

"What?" Buck gave me a questioning smile when he got back.

"Our place" I smiled to him.

"Our place" he walked to me and kissed the top of my head.

"Which reminds me, I need to talk to you about something" I moved to wrap my arms around him.

"Go on" he wrapped his arms around me.

"I've decided to keep my place" I said holding my breath. "I mean it's cheaper to just keep it if you think about it and we can use it for storage until we-"

"Muffin, don't ramble" he chuckled gripping me a bit tighter. "I figured you were going to keep it anyways just in case we needed the space with double of everything"

"What should we do for our first night in our place?" I smiled at him.

"Well, if it sounded good to you I was thinking we could have a flashback"

"A flashback?"

"Yeah, order some Chinese, watch the last season of that show we never got to finish and just enjoy each other's our place"

A smile spread across my face.

"Just like the first time we hung out" I pointed out.

"Exactly like the first time we hung out" he smiled.

"I love it"

By the time the food arrived, everything was situated. We had both changed into pajamas and had all the drinks, silverware and everything else we needed set out. The show we watched was set to the episode we last left off on and we had the comfiest blankets.

"Pick one" I smiled holding out two fortune cookies as I sat in Buck's lap.

He got a look of contemplation before grabbing one of the two fortune cookies.

"At the same time?" He said holding up the cookie.

"At the same time" I smiled getting my cookie ready.


We tore open the packaging and broke apart the cookies.

"What does yours say?" He asked softly with a bright smile.

"Things happen when you least expect it, enjoy the ride" I smiled from ear to ear. "Accurate" I kissed his cheek gently feeling his smile on my lips. "What does yours say?"

He looked at his fortune in his hand as he played with it.

"Babe?" I asked as he looked from the fortune to me the smile never leaving his face.

"You're in love with an extraordinary, beautiful, perfect woman" he looked at me seriously "accurate" he gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Evan-" I started before he cut me off.

"I love you, Jenna. I mean it, I love you"

"I love you too, Evan" tears stung my eyes as I held them back.

I gently kissed his lips feeling him smile. It was perfect, everything with him always was. I laid my head on his chest as his arms settled around me.

"What did your fortune actually say?" I giggled looking up at him.

"Don't just think, act" he kissed my forehead.

"Accurate" we said at the same time with a laugh.

"Alright cutie, we only have the finale left of the show. Do you want to watch it now or save it for another night?" I looked at him waiting for his response.

"I'm kind of tired, but if you want to watch it tonight we can" he rubbed the top of my head.

"I'm exhausted" I breathed out. "Today has been such a long day" I snuggled into him.

"Alright" he started as he got up taking me with him. "Let's go to bed sweetheart"

He carried me to our room that had officially been set up with my things as well as his. He set me on the bed and gave me a quick kiss.

It wasn't until we were situated in bed with his arms securely around me that I took a deep breath.

"What's wrong baby?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Absolutely nothing" I turned so I was facing him. "I was just thinking how I got so lucky"

"No, I'm lucky you wanted sleep so much one day you decided to yell at me" he laughed.

"And then you made me fall in love with you" I giggled.

"So, so lucky" he chuckled.

"I love you" I smiled happy that the gate had been opened and I could tell him anytime I wanted.

"I love you more" he pulled me closer to him.

"So not possible" I laughed wrapping my arms around him and falling into a comfortable sleep.

The rest of the weekend was spent making sure everything in our place was settled the way we wanted it and everything new we brought in had a place. Before I knew it, I was back at work. I had been feeling sick over the weekend and felt super drained so being at work was the last thing I wanted but luckily I had Annabel.

"You look pale, you feel ok?" Annabel asked placing the back of her hand on my forehead.

"I feel just fine" I smiled. I lied. I felt exhausted and nauseous and I didn't want to be at work.

"I'm keeping my eye on you, how was your weekend?" She asked flipping through papers. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help." She sounded sad.

She filled in for some call offs at work over the weekend. I completely understood and we had enough help, it wasn't a big deal but I know she wanted to be there for us.

"It's really not a big deal, Bel. We had more than enough help and things went smoothly. Plus Buck told me he loved me" I smiled still looking at my papers.

"He what?!" She almost yelled.

I looked at her with wide eyes signifying that she had just been loud as she put her hand over her mouth.

"He told me he loved me the night we moved in" I explained still half laughing at her.

"Well what did you say?" She was suddenly interested.

"I told him I loved him too of course"

"Well" she grabbed some more papers. "It's about time" she giggled. "You two are so in love I half expected a wedding invitation by now" she nudged me.

"Don't be silly, Bel" I giggled gathering my papers for my chart. "We would never rush anything, everything's perfect just the way it is for now" I smiled turning to leave when it hit me.

Everything was going black. Before I could catch myself I knew I was going down, but I couldn't do anything about it. The last thing I knew I was hitting the ground as Annabel called my name and then, darkness.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now