Chapter 6

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"I managed to talk her into giving you two minutes so I'd talk fast" Annabel explained quickly walking into the living room before me.

"How could you not tell me about Maddie?" I just let the words flow. If this was the last two minutes I was ever going to talk to him, I had to get my answers.

"Or Jenna's going to take control of the conversation" I heard Bel say more to herself.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal" Buck shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets. "To be honest, I thought it was something we would discuss tonight. You know, normal first date conversation"

I gave Annabel a quick look that gave her a hint i was about to lose my temper over this situation.

"Jenna, I'm going to give you two some time. I'm going to go see my mom so I'll still be close by just give me a call or text ok?" Annabel smiled at me and turned to Buck. "Talk quickly your time is almost up" she patted his shoulder and quickly disappeared behind the door.

"Listen Jenna" he looked at me seriously taking a step forward causing me to take a step backward. He hung his head in defeat. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal I hadn't told you about my sister yet, but I'll tell you about my whole family if that makes this all better. I'll go get one of those DNA kits or whatever they're called so I'm not missing anything" he rambled.

"Wait...Maddie's your sister?" I asked confused holding out my pointer finger in a motion telling him to stop talking. "She said you had a breakfast date"

"We did, I owed her breakfast. She got it last time" he explained, confusion written all over his face.

"But she used the word date" I said before I realized I was talking out loud.

"Don't girls always call everything a date with their friends and siblings?" He smirked.

"Maddie's your sister" I said out loud again connecting everything. "And I completely ruined our night"

"Of course she's my sister, what did you...wait. Did you think I was seeing another girl? Were you jealous?" He asked, a playful smile on his lips.

"No. Well I mean yes...maybe." I finally admitted at the risk of embarrassment.

"Muffin, listen, I know you don't know me well but trust me I wouldn't do that to you" he turned serious again.

"Exactly, I don't know you that well" I started moving to take a seat on the couch, Buck falling in line with my motions. "I've heard some stories so my guard was already up but I wanted to learn for myself. We never said this was a just us thing, that we were exclusive or anything so what's to stop you from seeing other girls?"

"Because I don't want to see other girls." He said plainly.

"What?" I asked shocked and breathless.

He shocked me even more by grabbing my hand gently and placing it over the left side of his chest.

"Feel that?" He looked into my eyes.

"Your heart is pounding, do you feel ok?" I asked concerned.

"It always does that when I see you, whenever I'm near you, even when you're yelling at me. It's never done that for anyone else, ever. I know this is all new and neither of us know what's going to happen but I do know I don't want to see other girls. I'm not saying you have to agree to be exclusive, I'm saying you're the only one I want to be with. I want to give us a real chance. There's something special here I know it, I can feel it. I'm asking you to not be swayed by what anyone else says, not even me. Learn about me for yourself. Please Jenna" he explained my hand still on his chest, his hand over mine.

I lightly placed my other hand on his cheek slowly and guided his face towards mine until our lips met. The kiss was different from the last kisses. Instead of being hungry and desperate it was tender, affectionate, loving.

"I'm in, let's give this a real shot" I said breathlessly pressing my forehead to his. "You're the only one I want to be with, I don't want to see anyone else either"

A smile grew on his face and I felt his heart rate speed up since he was still holding my palm to his chest.

"And I thought your heart was beating fast before" I lightly laughed causing him to chuckle. "It's ok, you should feel mine. It's going all kinds of crazy"

He pulled me into a kiss once more as I smiled against his lips.

Mere hours ago I was furious at this man, prepared to cut him off. Now here we are, giving us a chance. Going all in and letting things fall wherever they're supposed to.

Somehow he had went from my annoying jerk of a neighbor to the man I was falling for, and hard. I never saw any of it coming, I wasn't trying for anything to happen and to be honest I wasn't exactly sure how it happened. It all caught me off guard and hit me when I didn't even expect it.

"I'm sorry I ruined our night" I said softly.

"I'm with you, this is the best night of my life" he smiled.

"I feel bad though, I know you had plans for tonight" I explained.

"We can always try to turn it around. I can order in some food for us and we can watch a movie or something?" He looked at me hopeful.

"I'm happy with anything as long as we're together" I smiled kissing his cheek.

"I will call and order us some food, you call Annabel and let her know she doesn't have to help you bury my body in the middle of the night" he laughed pulling me to him and gently pecking my lips.

"Done" I smiled at the fact that for the first time it felt so right from the start.

As he retreated to the back of my living room to order food I called Annabel and she picked up on the first ring.

"Everything alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, Bel, everything is perfect. Thanks for making me talk to him, I was so mad I was kind of irrational." I explained.

"Of course, that's what friends are for. If you're good, do you mind if I stay at my moms? We're going to bake cookies" I could hear her smile through the phone.

"That sounds great, hun. Buck and I are just going to order some food and stay in then."

"I'm glad it worked out for you guys, you should have seen him. The way he talks about you, he lights up. You guys are perfect together" I smiled at her words.

I glanced towards where Buck was on the phone.

"No that's more than enough food thank you, it's just me and my girlfriend" he smiled towards me.

Girlfriend. There it was. The official word. My belly erupted in butterflies and a blush rose to my cheeks. Girlfriend. Suddenly I loved that word. Everything was perfect. I felt invincible.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now