Chapter 13

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Mr. and Mrs. Clawson had set Emily's baptism for a few days after our initial meeting at a church not too far away. As we were getting ready I started to feel drained and sick.

"Babe, do you know where I put that tie I was going to wear?" Buck called from our bedroom as I did my makeup in the bathroom.

"You put it in the closet on the hanger with your jacket" I laughed.

Sometimes I feel like he would lose his cute little head if it wasn't safely attached to him. Since I moved in I got that question daily. Where's this, where did I put that, have you seen my this, do you know where that went? Some people would be annoyed by it, I found it utterly adorable.

"Got it! Thanks sweetheart" he popped his head into the bathroom and kissed my cheek quickly before he popped back out. His actions made me giggle.

When I walked out of the bathroom Buck was fully dressed and fixing his hair in the mirror in our bedroom. No matter how bad I was feeling, seeing him made me smile. He looked so handsome and watching him turn around and smile at me made me weak in the knees.

"You ok?" He asked concerned, his smile falling a bit.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"You just look a little pale" he pointed out.

"Oh, no I'm fine. Maybe I'm just a little dehydrated or something" I shrugged with a smile.

He rose an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

"I'm fine my love" I walked to him and kissed his cheek gently.

"If you say so, but if you start feeling sick please let me know" he rubbed my cheek with his pointer finger.

"I definitely will" I smiled. I felt bad lying to him but I knew he was looking forward to this day and I didn't want to ruin it for him.

"Thank you, now have you seen my keys?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him with a laugh before moving to get his keys that he left on the kitchen counter.

The baptism went by smoothly, Buck had a noticeable glint in his eye the entire time. He cared about that little baby, that was clear and it made me love him so much more. Emily took well to both Buck and I and we made sure to give Mr. and Mrs. Clawson our numbers and address so they could contact us if they ever needed us.

Buck kept asking if I was ok throughout the baptism and would rub my back comfortingly. He knew I wasn't feeling like myself, but I also felt like he was getting suspicious.

"What a long day" I said throwing myself on our couch when we got home.

After the baptism we had gone out for lunch and then Buck and I took the Clawson's out to see some of the sights. It took everything out of me, I was severely drained.

"Want me to make you some tea, darling?" Buck asked walking up to the couch behind me and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you so much, that sounds amazing" I smiled puckering my lips to ask for a kiss.

He kissed me quickly and made his way to the kitchen. I cuddled up myself on the couch in an attempt to feel more comfortable.

For a brief moment today, my mind was on something else other than the cancer, what my decision will be, how my life will change and the worry of what it will do to Buck and I.

"Here you go sweetheart" Buck returned handing out a cup of tea.

"Thank you, baby" I smiled taking it from him and taking a sip.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now