Chapter 5

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The week passed rather quickly and I was thankful. I was so exhausted from work I was glad there was only one shift left before a nice break.

Buck and I had texted a few times here and there over the week but nothing extravagant. The more I got to know him the more I was excited about going out the next night. People warned me that there was a chance he was a playboy, but from my experience so far I felt no need to put that judgement on him.

I sat at the nurses station while Annabel took a seat next to me and laid a cup of coffee in front of me.

"I know the coffee here is terrible, but it'll get you through the shift at least" she smiled at me.

"Thanks, Bel. I need something to keep me going, I have no idea how I'm going to stay awake the rest of shift" I giggled.

"I might have an idea" I could hear the smirk on her face.

"Oh yeah? Care to share?" I asked her not taking my eyes off the computer.

"He just walked in" I heard her say matter of factly.

I looked up and was met with a smiling Buck approaching the nurses station.

"Hey" I got up from my chair.

"I remember the coffee is pretty bad here so I figured I'd bring you by some good coffee since you said you were tired" he laid a cup on the counter.

"That was so sweet of you thanks" I smiled.

Annabel cleared her throat next to me and caused me to laugh a little.

"Buck this is Annabel, Annabel this is Buck" I motioned between the two.

"It's nice to finally officially meet you" Annabel grinned shaking his hand.

"You too, next time I know to bring two coffees" he lightly laughed.

"Jenna, he's a keeper this one" Annabel laughed walking away.

I shook my head with a laugh turning back to Buck.

"So I was thinking tomorrow I can come grab you around 7? Or you know we can meet outside either way" he chuckled.

"That sounds great, I'll be ready" I moved around the counter to hug him.

"I can't wait" he said next to my ear before kissing my cheek.

The smile on his face as he turned to leave made my stomach do flips. I couldn't wait either.

I managed to shrug off Annabel's burning questions all shift and was so grateful when I arrived home. I knew I needed to get as much rest as possible since I was going out that night and didn't know what time I would be getting home.

I spotted a female near Buck's place that looked lost. I was about to think nothing of it and head into my place when he voice made me reroute my plans.

"Excuse me, do you know if an Evan lives here?" She asked with a bright smile.

She was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous and she was asking for Evan.

"Buckley?" I barely was able to get out.

"Yeah, do you know him?" She smiled.

"Kind of" I shrugged. I was beginning to think I knew him less than I thought, and I already didn't think I knew him that well. "I'm Jenna, I'm Evan's neighbor" I extended a hand.

"I'm Maddie" she shook my hand the smile never leaving her face.

"Maddie, it's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you" I lied.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now