Chapter 7

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The days that followed making things official with Buck seemed to put us into a a routine that was seemingly normal for the both of us. When we weren't at work we were together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was about to make some tea to settle down so I was able to sleep when there was a knock on the door. Buck had already said goodbye and left for work so I had no idea who it could have been.

I swung open the door to find Maddie. I must have looked shocked beyond belief since she got a nervous look on her face and gave a slight smile and wave.

"Hi, I wanted to come say hello and officially introduce myself as Evan's sister and more so to say that I'm sorry for any misunderstanding I caused before. To be honest, I also wanted to come meet you again since we really didn't get a chance to fully before" I smiled at her words, poor thing was super nervous anyone could tell.

"You know, I was just about to put on some tea. Do you want to come in?" I smiled.

"I would love that" she relaxed following me in. "I really am sorry for everything, I didn't know you two had anything. I should have worded myself differently, I'll have to remember that for the future" she lightly laughed as I put on a kettle.

"Don't worry about it, I jumped to conclusions honestly. We hadn't even had our first date when I first met you. I didn't think he was taking it seriously or anything, but I also didn't think I would find a beautiful girl outside his place looking for him either, simple miscommunication" I smiled at her

She tried to hide the smile on her face but it was evident.

"In case you need some reassurance, he's taking this seriously. He never stops talking about you, you got him wrapped around your little finger" she laughed. Her words made me smile, it was nice to know he just might be even half as crazy about me as I am about him.

"He's amazing. I mean I've heard some things, mostly bad things but he's been wonderful since we got together"

"He's changed quite a bit, even more so now that he's met you. When you know, you know" she smiled a knowing smile at me.

We talked for about an hour before she said she had to get to work. I had felt better after talking to her after the whole fiasco of thinking she was dating Buck. I laughed the thought off in my head and settled in for some much needed sleep before sending Buck a quick text.

'Maddie came over, we had a nice talk and some tea. Your sister is awesome' I hit send and before I could finish setting my alarm and put my phone down it vibrated.

'Glad my two girls are getting along. Miss you already' I read in my head. He always knew what to say to make my heart rate accelerate.

'Miss you more' I replied before putting my phone away to focus on sleep.

After packing and rushing to work I changed for another long shift before heading to find Annabel. She had been on vacation and I missed her. With her being gone I had the realization that she was probably the closest friend I had in the area.

"You're back!" I hugged her tightly.

"As much as I enjoyed my vacation, it's good to see you" she squeezed back. "So what have I missed?"

"Absolutely nothing, it's been boring without you these past few days" I laughed grabbing a file.

"And you and Buck?" She questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Are doing amazing, thanks to you" I nudged her as my phone started ringing. "And that's my phone that I apparently forgot to put on silent" I laughed holding up a finger to tell Annabel I would be right back as I hit answer.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now