Chapter 23

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"Dress goes absolutely last" Annabel smiled at me through the mirror while brushing my hair and getting it ready for the stylist.

"Thanks, and thank you so much for being here for me every step of the way" I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Of course hun, today is your day" she gripped my hand back.

"I'm not meaning just today, I mean through everything. It's never easy dealing with life changing things like what's happened. But I'm so thankful and happy that you've stuck by me through it all"

"You can't get rid of me that easy babes, I love you" she smiled widely.

"I love you too" I grinned back. "Now don't make me cry, I don't need to be all splotchy" I breathed a laugh.

"I'll go tell the hair girl you're ready" she rubbed my shoulder before walking away.

I kept stealing glances at my cell phone.

Without anyone knowing, I had went to the doctor and asked to have some tests ran. I knew that the results could change everything, but I had to know if the way I was feeling was anything to be concerned about or not.

I was hoping that I would have the results before I started getting ready, especially since the doctor said that the results would be in early.

"Ready to get started?" The hair stylist walked in with a wide smile.

"So ready" I gave a small smile back.

"The girls are looking so great in there, they should be in here in a little bit" she explained.

We had decided to use the spare room to do everyone's hair but mine and the main room to do everyone's makeup since that required less room. I was the only one getting their hair done in the main room with the main stylist so until everyone else joined us, it felt a little lonely.

I kept looking at my phone, anxiously waiting for a call or text from the doctor.

"You expecting a call or text from the almost hubby?" the stylist giggled, separating my hair.

"umm, yeah sure" I breathed a laugh not wanting to get into the reason I kept looking at my phone, especially with someone I didn't know well.

"Is contact with the groom allowed?" she joked as a few girls started walking into the room.

"No, it's not" Tess put her hands on her hips and gave me a look. "I know you and Buck love each other and like can't keep your hands off each other but you really can't go a few hours without talking?" she laughed.

"I'm waiting for a call, it's kind of important" I grimaced looking at her.

I did not need her prying for more information, or worse, taking my phone away from me.

"If I catch you..." she started before I cut her off.

"I won't break the no contact rule" I stated, noticing the look that she was giving me. She didn't trust me. "I promise. And if I break that promise, I won't marry the love of my life in a few hours"

Her grin showed me that she knew I was serious.

When my hair and makeup were finished, I looked to Tess and Maddie. The stylist had given me the option when I booked her to either have her put in my veil or to do it myself and I chose to have my sister and Buck's sister put it in. I thought it would be a nice sentiment.

As they were pinning my veil in, the coordinator came in to tell us they were ready to get us into position.

"You ready?" Maddie looked at me cautiously.

"As ready as I will ever be" I smiled at her getting up and situating my dress.

I greeted my dad, who was already in position to walk me down the aisle. As everyone started walking down one by one my phone rang.

"Oh no, now is not the time" I said softly to myself quickly pulling out my phone and answering it.

I spoke to the doctor quickly before hanging up the phone just in the knick of time.

"Everything ok? You went kind of pale" my dad pointed out.

"Everything's perfect" I smiled widely at him. I hope everything was still perfect.

Locking eyes with Buck as I made my way down the aisle to him was such a surreal experience. I had never thought about making it to that point in my life before, let alone with someone who I loved so deeply.

"You look breathtaking, muffin" he whispered to me as I situated next to him.

"Thanks love. You look amazing yourself" I smiled taking his hand.

The officiant went through the ceremony as normal. When he got to the vows, which we had chose to keep normal and exchange a letter of vows just for each other, my heart started beating quickly.

The officiant asked if I took Buck to be my husband, I never said the words 'I do' faster in my life. When the officiant asked Buck if he took me as his wife, when his mouth opened to speak, I stopped him.

"Before you answer" I spoke to him low so not many people could hear. His face flashed instant worry. I took both of his hands in mine and gripped tightly. "There's something you should know"

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now