Chapter 19: Emo mode.

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Dat cake tho ^^

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Dat cake tho ^^

The next morning you all arrived to the volleyball gym for the continuation of the tournament, your next game being scheduled for around 10am.

Everyone got there for about 9am, having enough time to change into your uniforms and warm up.

Before your match, you and the team just waited around in the corridors, talking to one another about whatever came to mind.

"Uhh.. excuse me." You felt a swift tap on your shoulder as you were talking to Oikawa, you turning around to face the person. "You're Y/N Ukai.. right?"

"Oh.. yeah?" You nodded to the male, a few of his friends around him. "You are?"

"I'm the captain of the last team you versed yesterday afternoon." He said, you remembering the match very clearly.

"Oh.. um yeah I remember you.." you replied cautiously. "What's up..?" You asked, peering around at his teammates that surrounded him, all of them wearing casual clothes since they were out of the tournament.

"We wanted to apologise on behalf of Kaede." He bowed his head swiftly, his teammates copying his actions.

You inhaled sharply at the sudden apology, a bit overwhelmed as you scanned over all of them.

"We had no idea that he had done anything like that." The captain explained. "Our team coach told us this morning and he was kicked off the team... and we felt terrible that you continued to play the match even with him playing!"

You had wide eyes, you quickly looking to your teammates for reassurance, before looking back to the apologetic team.

"Non of you have any reason to apologise." You stated, all of them stopping to stand up straight and look at you. "But I do appreciate it nevertheless."

"You sound so posh.." Oikawa whispered to you, you jabbing him in the stomach with your elbow to shut him up.

"We have a lot of respect for you." One of the captains teammates nodded. "And we hope you and your team win!"

"We'll be watching your games today to give you extra support!" The captain grinned.

"Thankyou!" You and the team said in unison.


During your first game, it passed pretty quickly, ending with a score of 25-17 to your team in the first set, and 25-19 in the second set.

However, the second game... didn't go as smoothly.

It was in the later afternoon and there were also two other games that were being played on the other two courts at the same time, so the audience was pretty packed.

The whistle blew for the beginning of the game, Oikawa having the first serve, which was your teams starting tactic.

He gained two points before getting cut off by the other team.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨 -【Haikyuu x reader】Where stories live. Discover now