Chapter 22: Hang over.

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"You did WHAT?!"

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"You did WHAT?!"

"Come on Daichi.. calm down." Suga tried to help anxiously, standing in front of him and putting his hands up.

"Calm down?!" He yelled, snapping his eyes from Suga to the four of you awkwardly stood there. "It's our semi-finals! If you screw this up we won't win and get to the finals!"

"Who says we're gonna screw up?!" You snapped back harshly. "It's a hangover, not a fucking limb amputation!"

"How could you be so selfish to go and drink the night before, though?!" Daichi bit, sounding a lot more spiteful than he probably intended. "Did you not even think about the tournament?!" He scanned over you all, directing his words at each of you.

You scowled at him, your glare making him go quiet before you began speaking. "If you doubt us that much, don't fucking play." You growled, storming past him and into the building, Kuroo, Bokuto and Oikawa following after you.

"Y/N!" Suga also chased after the group of you. "Wait a minute!" He called, you stopping and turning to face him.

"What Suga?"

"I know you'll be alright to play! Daichi probably knows that too!" He explained. "He just gets like that when he's worried! Please don't be mad at him."

"I understand why he'd be upset. Last night was a massive mistake for all of us." You replied. "But we're still here, aren't we? So he has no right to speak to us like we're children."

"Yeah.. I get it." Suga nodded. "Have you taken painkillers? I could go to a nearby pharmacy and-"

You shook your head and laughed a little. "No, we're okay Suga." You smiled at his offerings. "We've already downed a ton of medicine and pills for it, we should be all good in a few hours."


Everyone changed into their team uniforms and were given an hour to warm up in a spare gym before the game.

However, evidently, the medication hadn't necessarily kicked in.

Bokuto lied sprawled out on the floor, his palms aggressively gripping onto his aching head, him occasionally slapping himself.

"GO AWAY!!" He yelled clearly upset, his complaining aimed at his hangover that ripped pain across his forehead.

"Slapping yourself isn't going to make it go away." Kuroo scoffed, sat on a bench and gradually downing his third bottle of water to rid of any alcohol in his system.



"MY HAIR ISNT STUPID!" Bokuto cried back.





"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" You interrupted harshly, your voice making both of them jump from across the gym hall.

"Oo you've made Y/N maaad." Oikawa teased.

"YOU TOO, OIKAWA!" You continued after briefly hearing his remark.

"I didn't even do anything." Oikawa pouted. "How did she even hear me..?" He shuddered, turning and walking away.

You turned back to practicing with Ushijima, having him blast spikes at you so you could receive them directly, but your head and body ached which made it much more difficult.

Each time the harsh pressure of the ball smacked against you're wrists, a ripple of pain from the hangover shot across your body - making you feel nauseous.

"Ugh.." you groaned to yourself, barely receiving the ball back into the air for Ushijima to smack back down. However, this time when the volleyball returned back to him, he caught it between his palms.

"Why'd you stop?" You winced slightly from your headache.

"Because you look like you are about to die." He said bluntly,

"Oh." You huffed. "Well you don't need to say it like that.." you mumbled to yourself.

"Well how do you want me to say it?" He asked monotonously, you surprised he actually heard you.

"Not like that." You huffed, plopping down on the floor in exhaustion.

You honestly had no clue how you were going to deal with the upcoming game, especially since a minor warm up made all the muscles in your body purely ache.

"I wanna go to bedddd." You cried out, Kuroo and Bokuto walking up to you as you whined on the floor. They laughed at your state but knew that they weren't much better, the both of them having just as much alcohol the night before.

"Ukai. Can I speak to you?" You lifted your head lazily to look at the voice, Daichi stood to the side with Suga next to him.

You momentarily sighed to yourself, reluctantly pushing up from the wooden floor and making your way over to them both without another word.

You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for either of them to speak first.

"Go on then!" Suga punched Daichi's arm, pushing him to talk.

"Alright! Jeez.." Daichi flinched, rubbing his arm where Suga took at strike at it. "Look, Y/N. I'm sorry for getting mad earlier.. I shouldn't have took my nerves out on you all."

"He's just secretly a big wimp when it comes to big volleyball games." Suga chuckled, commenting on his boyfriend.

"No I'm not!" Daichi snapped his head to face Suga defensively.

You laughed lightly at their bickering, before speaking yourself. "It's okay." You smiled. "We're sorry too.. we got carried away last night and it wasn't meant to happen. But I promise we'll still play the best we can!"


"Okay guys!" You clapped your hands together. "No vomiting on the court.." you hesitated. "..Oikawa I'm looking at you." You joked, it only being a few minutes until the commencing whistle for your semi-finals.

"Fuck off." Oikawa rolled his eyes, pouting out his bottom lip.

"Are you sure you are all going to be okay?" Suga questioned, his chocolate eyes encased with worry.

"We'll be fine." Kuroo responded. "Just have to make sure Oikawa doesn't throw up everywhere." He continued with your joke.

"I'm not going to vomit!" Oikawa whined out, you and Kuroo laughing at his pissed off expression. "I literally have only threw up twice and you won't give it a rest!"

"We'll give it a rest if you can make it through the semi-finals!"


A/N: Thankyou for reading! I hope you enjoyed (even though the quality is shit considering it's like midnight).

And also I'd like to apologise for my inconsistent writing on this book and all of my other books.

I decided to take a break from Wattpad (which I mentioned on my account message status) because of personal issues that have been my main focus and have resulted in me having like no time to do anything.

I also haven't had the motivation to write because of it, so I thought I'd let you know since everyone is so supportive of my books.

So, again, I'm sorry but I will try to write and update whenever I can - even if it isn't as much as I want.

I love you all sm!! And thankyou for 80K reads on this book as well!! ❤️❤️

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨 -【Haikyuu x reader】Where stories live. Discover now