Chapter 24: Bad mood.

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"Hey! Where's Suga?" You jogged up to Daichi, who was helping to set the net up for the evening volleyball practice

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"Hey! Where's Suga?" You jogged up to Daichi, who was helping to set the net up for the evening volleyball practice.

"Daichi locked him in a basement." Oikawa responded for him, all seriousness in his words and face as he tied the net string around the pole.

"Sangwoo?!" You snapped your head to Daichi with wide eyes, taking a step backwards nervously.

"Who..?" Daichi tilted his head, letting out a confused laugh from your response to Oikawa's comment.

"I- nobody." You shook your head. "Uhm.. anyway where actually is Suga?"

"He said he was setting something up for me and him later, but he wouldn't tell me because it was a surprise." Daichi shrugged, checking the net was tightly secured.

"Oo a date!" You grinned like a little fangirl. "That's fun!"

"Yeah." Daichi blushed lightly, scratching the back of his neck as he did. "So I won't be locking up tonight because I'm leaving early, so I left the keys with Hanyu and he is gonna lock everything up at 8pm."

"Ah okay." You nodded.

"So make sure you're all cleaned up and ready to leave before he gets here." Daichi said.

"Ay ay captain." You responded, giving a mini salute before wandering off.

The rest of the practice went on as normal, the boys using a good majority of their time to blast harsh serves over the net; you being on the other side to try and receive them all.

One persons serve was pissing you off the most, and that was Oikawa. You noticed that there was a lot more anger and power within each of his serves today, you actually being worried that your arms would snap off..

He'd managed to not only have an incredible jump serve, but he'd now perfected a float serve as well.

You dug up a majority of them but found it annoying when the ball would randomly throw you off and hit the ground unexpectedly - and you were extremely thankful when everyone moved onto receiving drills.

Eventually Daichi left about half an hour early, before your practice was meant to end.

Everyone continued to practice with great focus for the finals which began the next morning.

Suga suggested that everyone leave practice earlier than usual to get prepared for the tournament, but Daichi was the only one that took his advice; you, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa and Ushijima spending extra time perfecting anything that needed working on.

You, Oikawa, Kuroo and Bokuto worked the hardest, a lingering guilt still there from making the idiotic decision to go to a university party the night before the semi-finals...

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨 -【Haikyuu x reader】Where stories live. Discover now