Part 2

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I roll my eyes, and rush to my phone that buzzed. I answered the call, raising a brow.
"Hello?" I mutter.

"Hey! Are you interesting in going out for a drink with us?" I hear Jimin's excited voice cheer.
"Oh umm, yeah. Where are we heading to?" I ask.

"Just a party in a small house, not too big, not too small. Beer!" Jimin yips. I laugh softly, rushing to my room and put the smallest on speaker, looking for an outfit.

"Are you interested?" Jimin asks. I nod, forgetting I am on the call.
"Oh! Uh, yes. Shall I pick you all up? Or-"
"No, no! Hobi is driving so we'll pick you up in 10, is that okay?" Jimin suggests. I hum in response.

"Great! See ya there." Jimin speaks informally, before I could scold him, he hangs up. I exhaled sharply and picked up a thick hoodie, some jeans, and white high-top shoes. I collected them altogether and got dressed in an instant. I didn't like wasting time.

I drink the rest of my tea, glancing at Eijin that checked me out in confusion,
"You wanna go to a party?" I ask.

Eijin shook his head, patting my shoulder,
"No thanks, I'd rather embrace being home alone without yo- Sorry, I meant mother." Eijin teases me.

"Pft. Don't call me mother, I'm not a woman, you punk." I laugh out, picking up my jacket.
"Cya later." Eijin mumbles, turning on the TV.

"God, it's so loud in here!" Yoongi roars with a slight grin.
"Where's the beer?" Jimin asked, dragging Yoongi and Taehyung with him once he found the wine and beer.

I follow them, pouring myself a huge amount of wine. I don't drink too often, but today was so stressing. I guess I just needed to relax, as I sip my wine I followed Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung that danced and jumped to the music, drowning themselves with alcohol. Meanwhile, Jungkook and Yoongi were playing on the video games where everyone competed.

I drink the last bits of my wine, pouring myself another cup, over and over again until I couldn't even walk. I saw everything, but it looked so cool and hazy. I bumped into something tall.

I look up at a handsome tall man, he was drunk just like me. He slurred and laughed as he looks down at me.
"Well hello there~" Namjoon flirts.
"Tch. What?!" I yell.

"Hey, don't talk to me like dat- I didn't do anything." Namjoon sighed once he accidentally broke the glass of beer.
I admire his striking beauty before pulling him down for a kiss. We enjoyed the sweetness of wine that intertwined between our tongues. We both stumble into a bedroom, shutting the door quickly.

God was he hot. I stared at the sweat surrounding his neck, grabbing his tie to pull him on top of me. What was going on? I don't know. And I didn't care.

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