Part 10

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Seokjin's house~

I waved at Namjoon that raced his car away, I sigh and limp into my house. Eijin and Taehyung run to me, worry hinted in their precious eyes.
"Where were you..?!" Eijin commences.

"Well..." I began.
Maybe I shouldn't tell them, I couldn't risk Namjoon and I being humiliated.

"My car broke down, I am so sorry. I had to get an uber to drive me to a hotel. You weren't home." I mumble, receiving a nod from Taehyung.

"I could stay over if you want?" Taehyung asks.
"Yeah! Only if you want, though." I offer.

Eijin goes back to his nerd work, meanwhile me and Taehyung try to find a good movie to watch.

"So.. Who do you really like?" I ask.
Me and Taehyung stayed up all night for our midnight talks.

"Well, Jimin is sweet, and kind. Yet, Jungkook's the same. I've known Jimin the longest... But Jungkook is just- aughh. I don't know!" Taehyung complains to me.

"Follow your heart, Taehyung. Don't ever forget that." I comfort, petting Tae's hair.
"Yeah... How about you and Namjoon?" Taehyung asks me.

"I made up with him, but we don't talk." My face heats up.
Taehyung's face creeps up a sly smirk,

"Mhmm, I believe you."
"YAH!" I scold.

As he laughed his heart out, I look away to be in deep thought. I felt bad for fucking with Namjoon, then lying straight to my friend's face. But, at the same time, I'm an adult. I'm not supposed to be telling them so much about my screwed up life, right?


Me and Taehyung wake up due to my noisy ass alarm, it was time for work. I was rather excited to go, mostly because I really wanted to see Namjoon and maybe.. hug him? I don't know why I feel like this, but... I feel nice.

I snap back to reality, running to the shower as Taehyung got ready, putting on a suit that wasn't too tight.

I enter the building, bowing to my co-workers, smiling and waving to my friends. I make a warm cup of coffee with extra sugar, going up the elevator with Taehyung and Jimin that stood awkwardly next to eachother.

"So... How long have you've known eachother?" I teased the two.
"M-Maybe 10 years..?" Jimin enciates in humiliation
"I thought it was 8?" Taehyung widens his eyes.

Jimin bit his lip harshly, for some reason, I saw that he was upset and really embarrassed. I glance at Tae that quickly wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist, acknowledging my signal. I widen my eyes as Jimin intervened.

"I have to go." Jimin stepped out of the elevator, leaving Taehyung in the dust of confusement.
"What was that?" I asked Tae that shrugged.

I walk to my office with Taehyung, glancing at Namjoon that discussed with a few assistants, administrators, and accountants. I smile, and wave. His presence just made my stress go away.

When I sat down on my office, and looked at the piles of work on my desk, the pressure just went up. I had sex with my boss, I'm lying to my friends, and I have WORK. Tons of WORK.

God, when will the time be right for a vacation?!

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