Betrayal? Kinda?

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Percy POV

I was walking around Camp heading toward the training arena until I heard screaming.

I ran, trying to find where the screaming was but also wondering why no one was near. Then I found the source of the screaming. There was a young boy, he had black hair and sky blue eyes. I instantly knew who's child he was. I was a little miffed that Zeus had another child but oh well. Gods are Gods.

I took out Riptide and uncapped it.(A/N. Why do people always say click it?) I scouted the surroundings trying to see how many monsters there were. About 6 hellhounds and 5 empousai. I wondered if Kelli was there.

I quickly dispatched all the monsters and rescued the child. The conch horn rang and they knew about the monster kidnapping. 

"I defeated all these monsters without training and this guy only watched" The snotty kid said.

"Where's the weapons you used to defeat them, oh mighty demigod?" I asked.

"Pshhh, Yeah Right. I'm the strongest Demigod of the Century!" He said getting off topic.

"Answer the fucking question" I replied.

I watched as slowly the campers started believing him. Most of them didn't since they knew me and that I wouldn't do that. But all the new campers just looked at him in awe. Whispers flooded the crowd.

"Holdup, before this turns into a cliche fanfiction where campers betray me, what the fuck is the logic behind this. He doesn't have a weapon, my weapon is covered in golden dust, he's clearly a snotty bitch so why would you listen to him, and you know me. Like bruh" I exasperatedly said

"Jeez, he's new around here. Just leave him alone man" Some camper said.

I sighed and let it be.

Then a lightning bolt appeared above the new kids name.

"All Hail Damien Ezra, Son of Zeus, King of the Gods" Chiron said

"Damien just sounds like a piece of shit, to be fair." (No offense to any damiens.)

"And the most powerful demigod of the century" said Damien

I scoffed. "How many times are you going to say that?"

He didn't reply. I snorted, and capped my sword.

Percy POV

Is Damien some sort of Aphrodite child? His power over persuasion is basically equal to charm speak. 

I'd say the campers hate me, but that's an understatement. It's like I'm some sort of trash panda walking around the camp.

As hard as it is to say, Annabeth sitting with Damien basically being a complete suck up hoe, hurts.

I was going to go to Olympus to ask Athena if I would be able to propose to Annabeth but sadly this complete bs happened. Does like 6 years of friendship mean anything? Or is it just a mark, a sign that says Hey! You made it, now your friendships over!

That seems correct to me if you know what I mean. Speak of the devil Damien, just walking pompously towards me.

"What? Come to get your ass kicked?" I asked

"It would be a shame, if the ass kicking would happen to you" Damien replied.

"Best comeback? That's a shame" I replied while staring off in the distance.

"Listen to me when I talk to you, punk" Damien angrily said.

"Are we in the 1980's or something?" I said.

"I took everything you love. I took your girlfriend. I took your precious camp." Damien said thinking he won the conversation.

"Ah, I noticed that already. The thing is... does it really look like I care. As much as I love Annabeth, her decision is hers and if she wishes to be with you, so be it" I said.

"Wait- this isn't how it's supposed to go. You're supposed to get mad or find Annabeth cheating and become all powerful and shit" Damien questioned.

"Ah tsk tsk tsk, Annabeth cheating isn't canon Damien. Annabeth wouldn't cheat, though her hubris could make her break up with me. As I said before, I love Annabeth with all my heart, but her decision is hers." I said.

"Oh. But I still have your camp?" Damien hopefully said.

"Yes, how did you manage to do that? I would've thought that the older campers would've stuck by my side, but it seems I was wrong" I asked wondering how he did it. 

"Well you see I-. I don't actually know how I did it. But enough talking. Let's end this right here right now." Damien stated.

"Ok. Powers or none?" I replied.

"None, you have an unfair advantage of experience" Damien said bringing out his broadsword.

"Dude. I already have an advantage of practicing with a sword for like 6 years. It doesn't really matter" I said uncapping riptide.

The golden bronze glimmered through the sunlight. I swung my sword around, trying to get used to fighting again and held my stance.

"So uh, you want to come at me? Or I come at you?" I asked.

Damien blindly charged me, and with one fell swoop his sword fell out of his hand.

"Yield already man" I said bored.

"I yield" Damien said scared out of his mind.

I walked away from camp, as saving their lives apparently means dog shit to them and headed to Olympus.

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