Hunters Camp

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I don't really know what to edit on this page so I guess Edited.

Percy PoV

To be blunt, I wasn't expecting that reaction from Artemis. I thought there would be some protests or arguments, but that went better than expected. Maybe she's warming up to me. She gives me a smile and I gladly return it. Maybe Artemis would warm up to me but her hunters on the other hand. I am not looking forward to that.

"Do you know what happened to my Giant and Titan companions?" I asked Artemis

"Yeah. They are being tested by my brother Apollo to see if they are innocent" Artemis said

"While that's happening, let's visit the hunt?" I said with reluctance.

Her face immediately brightened. She grabbed my hand and flashed us to the Hunter's camping site. I immediately let go of her hand blushing a little bit. It's not like she's caught my feelings, it's just that when you meet very scary girls that will shoot you on sight, don't hold their patron's hand.

"Hey Artemis, I'm going to make a cool entrance." I said already running off."

Thalia PoV

Where's Percy? Last I heard he was cheating on Annabeth. He's gonna get a piece of my mind when I find him. That traitor scum. I can't believe he would cheat on Annabeth and destroy the camp. Another part of me was disagreeing saying that Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty. And Annabeth never swore on the River Styx. Could she be the one cheating? No. That's not possible.


Few thoughts went through my mind, a man? The hunters won't accept that so easily, Our mistress being nice to him?

Then suddenly thunder was present along with lightning. We all stare at the lightning bolt that seemed like it was in slow motion heading to our camp. He seemed like he has the powers of Zeus? Maybe a child of Zeus? Then the person landed. Fire blew from him like it was dust being pushed from wind.

"Cool entrance dude!" I shouted.

"Thanks! I was working for that!" The mystery man said.

"I'm sure that was all props, this boy can't be strong. He's a pig! Like the rest of them" The hunters voiced in agreement.

"Guys, we don't even know him? He could be Chaos for Hades sake, sorry hades." I said.

"HAHA. Yeah right. I bet even our youngest hunter could beat him." Alexis, a daughter of Demeter said.

"I do not want to fight. I am here to protect and guard the hunt with my life. Please refrain from calling me a boy as the rest of my species are pigs. I agree with that." The man said. He seemed calming and relatable.

All of a sudden vines grew heading to kill the guardian. I tried to stop it but all the man did was raise his hands and the vines obeyed him.

"How?" Alexis said.

"You tried to kill me. Why would I answer questions? I only answer to those who are respectable"

(I know he said he wouldn't hurt them but I mean, they deserve it)

All of the Hunters growled in outrage and lunged at him. I facepalmed. He was obviously powerful, he was trained, and he didn't do anything to deserve this. I felt kind of bad for the man getting beat up until I saw something different.

Instead of the hunters beating him up, he seemed to do it to them? He used lightning bolts to knock them out, water? To knock them back, moonlight?!?!? To capture them. How does he have all these powers? Then he took out his sword. It seemed like it was fused with different materials. (Riptide doesn't look the same anymore)

You could tell he practiced. He was a whirlwind of destruction. Knocking out people with the flat of his blade.

"Milady, are we going to stop this?" I asked.

"Nah, they deserve this," Artemis said.

This was new. I've never seen Artemis allow someone to beat her hunters up. On the other hand, I have to agree. The hunters are getting too prideful.

Everyone was knocked out soon and the man came up to me. At first, I was scared, thinking that he would injure me but he stuck his hand out and said

"You are smart. You have my respect."

But he also muttered

"You always had my respect Thalia"

"Oh I forgot something." He said. He then flew off and not until a few minutes later, he came back with


I hugged her so hard she might've died again. But something still bothered me. I never told him my name, and he never met me before.

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