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Edit: oH shit. I forgot I gave Zoe Hestias blessing. E.E

Hestia PoV

This makes sense. The enemy is a primordial born way before the Gods. This is going to be another really hard battle. I won't fight still. I try to inject hope into their hearts but nothing happens. This is going worse than the two wars combined. I may have to fight in this war. Or find a champion. I would give the champion rank to Perseus, but he already has my blessings. I need a champion. Who would I choose...? Someone who inspires hope. Someone who has been through alot and I trust. None of those campers, for sure. Ah! Zoe! This girl was dead but came back to life and inspired hope into those hunters. She would be perfect for my blessing.

"Zoe! May I talk to you please" I asked

She walked over. She bowed and asked

"Yes Lady Hestia?"

"No need to bow, or formalities. I like everyone to be equal." I said

"Anyways, I wanted to make you my Champion, as I am not willing to fight in this war" I told her

She looked shocked. She nodded and bowed again. I swatted her away. I just want all of the Gods to be a happy family. So I gave Zoe the power of the hearth. She looked like an immortal. Hopefully my nephew will finally make a move on her. I looked over, and he looked redder than a burning coal! I knew it! And also my niece has to do something about the hunters loving again. Maybe Zoe will ask. Then it felt like it was darker, like it was nighttime. I smiled. It's my favorite aunt(?) Nyx.

"Hi Nyx!" I said

"Well, hello Hestia. Why have you not been visiting?" She asked.

"My stupid brother, not allowing people to being in contact with "possible enemies" I said

She just smiled like she already knew this. She walked over to Zeus and slapped him up the head. Everyone just grinned.
"So, I am here to help you against Erebus. He isn't the same. He may be controlled by someone. Possibly Gaea." She said.

So Erebus isn't the bad guy. Then I saw Artemis have a panicked look in her face. She told something to Zeus and teleported out of the throne room. Everyone just shrugged until Percy had a panicked expression. He warped out, and Percy with a panicked face usually isn't a good thing. So we warped along with him. Then we felt our powers draining.

"I wasn't trying to get all of the Olympians. This is even better. The olympians and the hunters. We will win this war easily" Someone said.

Then Erebus walked out of the darkness.

Artemis PoV

I flashed out, trying to save my hunters. Then I felt like my body movements were restricted. What happened? Then I saw the Olympians come. But they weren't moving. Wait. Why is the darkness holding me. EREBUS!!!! This was a trap! Where was Percy???? I heard Erebus saying something to the other Olympians. Then he took out a sword. He put it at Zeus.

"The first blood" Erebus said.

Then sunlight came through, revealing someone. Percy! He controlled sunlight along with moonlight to give some people powers. Erebus looked like he regretted something for a moment. Then everything went back to normal. He took his sword and slashed it at Zeus. But it never hit. Percy threw his sword at Erebus's and it clattered out of his hand. Then Percy took out his bronze sword from his pocket.

Be Careful Percy

I will. M'lady

That was new! Erebus raised his hand and the sword flew to him.

"You pest. Who even are you? Why not join our army?" Erebus said.

Percy didn't say anything. He just took his sword and infused sunlight and moonlight into it.

"So be it"

Then they charged.

Gaea PoV
Who is this person? Why can he match my power? I controlled Erebus's body to strike in such fluent motions that even Primordials be matched with this. He didn't even look like he broke a sweat! I didn't want to use this so early. I made Erebus's hand shootout and made it engulf in black fire. I smiled.

"Heh. Where did you get that?" He said

"I made it. Perses didn't want to help me so I made it myself. And now, you're precious Gods and Camps are gone." I smugly said.

Then I put the fire into the Gods. But it didn't work. I tried again. It didn't work. Why wasn't this working? I don't have much left. Only enough to mess up the camps. But the Gods were harder to kill. So I used the remaining black fire to destroy the Olympians. It did nothing!

WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING  I screamed in my head.

"Well. You can't use it because you aren't the controller. Sure you may have the fire but you can't control it." He said

GAH. It doesn't matter. I stomped and an earth spike came out of the ground. I shot it at Artemis.

"The first blood Part 2" I smugly said.

Then I saw a raven black flash in front of Artemis. The spike hit that raven black flash. It was that guy.

"Heh. Guess I wasn't careful. Sorry Artemis" He said.

I grinned. He wasn't a God but he was very powerful. I waited for Thanatos to bring him. But nobody came.

He grinned at me.

"Well I made a promise."

He took his sword out.

"Until my final breath."

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