Where my Demons lie.

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Hey... Soo... Sup.

Unknown PoV

"Shh... Artemis. I will always be here to protect you. Until my final breath" Percy said.

At the mention of the last word, Artemis hugged the man like there was no tomorrow. She acted like he would die, which in fact he did but like, we don't talk about that. She immediately started sobbing up and sniffing.

"P-Percy is that you?" She asked weakly.

"Yes Arty. I would never leave you." He said gently

This is beginning to sound like a romance novel. But anyways Artemis just kept on hugging him to death until she fell asleep. It's pretty funny on how Percy just doesn't know that she's in love with him. I guess I can't say anything about it. I mean, I can only watch. I guess that's why my sister died. I didn't do anything. So I started writing about this. This is beginning to sound like my Diary, so I'll stop. Voices in my head started telling me to tell them about the Prophecy, so I guess I will. I snapped my fingers and sent a paper that told the second part of the Prophecy. I wonder if I can finally read it. I took a deep breath and summoned that paper. YES! IT WORKED! I started reading what's on the paper.

One will come back, the one that has died

Some of the Prophecy, has not finished

Angel sword, he shall have to find,

Where hope, has to reside

Demon sword, he shall seek,

In the place, where his sorrows leak.

This is a pretty obvious Prophecy. I mean obviously, Percy is the one in the Prophecy. The last prophecy wasn't finished which makes sense because they didn't even defeat Gaea again. The Angel sword is obviously in Pandora's "box" or Pithos, because that's where Elpis or Hope resides. Though, I don't know where he would find this demon sword. I wonder how the Olympians are doing with this news. I hope they aren't IDIOTS

Poseidon PoV

As I watch my son die, I can't help but finally burst out crying. Athena comforted me. When will she notice. Maybe I should do something. Before the war will begin. I need to do it. A fiery determination awakened in my eyes. If Percy had a moral, it was do what you want to do, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So I did it. I told her all of my plans, and all of my feelings. She looked shocked like she wasn't expecting this. Then she lifted my head and kissed me"

*flashback over*

I sadly smiled as I watched our child swim through the ocean. Hand in hand, Athena and I finally got married. Until, Zeus called an important meeting. I flashed along with Athena and asked what was going on.

"Well Poseidon, another Prophecy has been sent out." Zeus said.

I sadly nodded and remembered what my son had to sacrifice in order for the world to stay safe. Then Zeus started reading the Prophecy.

*insert prophecy here*

I have a wild smile. As does my wife. She knows exactly what was going to happen. I finally will have my son back. He really is known for doing the impossible. I didn't even bother to hear the other Olympians try to decipher the Prophecy. I just had to be patient. Then I would finally get my son back.

Until rumbling started happening. A loud voice rang throughout the world.


I started panicking. That was obviously Gaea. We have exactly 1 month, until she attacks. Percy, whatever you have to do, you better do it.

Percy PoV


Huh. That's probably Gaea. (BY THE POWER OF FANFIC LOGIC HE KNOWS THE PROPHECY) I probably have to get those swords. How? No idea. But I know where I'm going. I warped to Hestia.

"I was wondering when you would get here Perseus," Hestia said grinning.
"There is no time to waste. You must hurry. Hope is getting weaker" She said handing me the pithos.

I opened the jar and got sucked into it.

I looked around. It looked, dark and empty. Like it would never see sunlight again. I only saw a faint yellow light emitting from the figure. It was very dim.


"Who's there?"

"I'm here to help."

"No one can help me"

"Elpis, let me help you. Let me give you the one thing you give to others"

"No. I don't need help. I don't need anyone."

"Please Elpis. Let me try"

"No. I know what you are here for. No one would be able to get this Angel sword. The only one even remotely worthy died. There is simply no hope for this world" She said sadly

"Please let me try."

"... Fine... But if you disintegrate, don't curse me"

The sword appeared. It seemed like it was encased in something. Something that radiated joy, and brightness, and light. Something like my happiest memories. The sword started glowing brighter. I walked over to the sword. Every step something new happened. Eating blue candy with my mom. Tyson called Chiron a pony. Me hanging out with the hunters. I allowed it to show me these memories, and I welcomed it with a smile. The sword started floating, emitting a bright light in this dark jar. It floated through the air, aiming for my hand. Dust started piling, and once the dust spread, the sword was in my hand.

"Huh. There may be hope in this world after all" She smiled.

The light in the sword, and the light from Elpis kept growing brighter. It was a brilliant blinding light until I found myself in Olympus.

"Hello Perseus. I would say that took a little bit longer than expected. 2 weeks isn't bad though"

"TWO WEEKS! I have to get the demon sword" I exclaimed.

Edit: Dec 3, don't really know how to expand the journey of the two swords. I mean I could, but I'm too lazy to add any more to the story besides editing.

I instantly warped to the underground. I guess this would make sense. I jumped in and used my wind powers to soften my fall. Almost immediately once I hit the ground, nightmares started appearing. Gabe, beating me and my mother. All my friends are dying. Artemis's neck snapped. Zoe's body mutilated. The campers hating on me. Annabeth cheating on me. I couldn't. This was too hard. I buckled my knees and I cried.

Why are you here. You are not worthy. Only those who can face their demons can claim me.

I stood up and wiped my tears. Gabe is rotting in the Fields of punishment. He can't hurt me here. Then I started seeing my friends die again. Unable to control my body I tried cutting myself. NO! This was their choice. My friends will NOT DIE IN VAIN. I pushed past the pain. The campers didn't even hurt me. I knew they had no choice. I will be mad, but they had evidence. Annabeth. I don't care about you anymore. I hope you rot in Tartarus.

Very good. I see you have some darkness in you. I guess you may be able to wield me.

A sheath appeared on my back along with the Demon sword. I summoned another sheath and put on the light sword. I have to do this for everyone. You will regret the moment you ever threatened my family. I flew up into the sunlight, greeted by Chaos and fighting. Along with a certain Son of Zeus, being controlled by a Certain Earth Goddess. And their lieutenant. A "hero"  named... Heracles.

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