I hate Annabeth and Damien

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>:D When Percy Fell
and no disclaimer. Sorry :c

Edited (don't worry about the plot. Annabeth is revealing something in the sequel :))

Annabeth's PoV

I felt like someone was looking at me. I didn't care. I was finally kissing the love of my life. Damien. He's so perfect in every way. That Percy guy was for nothing but power! I'm finally a goddess and my relationship with my new, and better, boyfriend is going great! Life couldn't be better. But some of the campers still don't listen to me. So I told Chiron that I'm going to make an announcement. Though, I wish he could've stayed longer. He would probably be part of another Prophecy meaning I might've become an Olympian.

*Time skip to announcement*

"Cam- hic - Campers. I- I saw p-percy cheating on me." I said in my best sad voice.

The whole camp blew in outrage and immediately started comforting me. This was all going according to plan. Now not even Nico and Clarisse believed Percy. So now, I could be open about my relationship with Damien. I told the camp that I could try to make it better, since Percy was gone. (minor gods children's cabin). They all agreed to my rule. These idiots.

I started making banners about the daughter of Athena and son of Zeus to put up on the camp. This was all under my control now. I had all the power in the world. I didn't do any chores, coming up with the excuse that I was sad. I just made out with Damien the whole day or rebuilt the camp in my own image. I killed Chiron because, well. He was useless. No one knowed though. Then the hunters came. I explained what happened with Percy, and they all believed me. I couldn't get to the Romans though

*Time skip*
Ah. It was beautiful outside. The owls and clouds running over the camp. No one still noticed that Chiron was dead or, I lied and I loved it. I was bored though because Damien went to visit his father for something so I went to go visit the hunters. I flashed there, and saw a man sitting in a river. In the bushes I see another man, who was not at all stealthy but whispering. I ignored him and went straight into the camp.

I felt a bit foggy, what was I doing? Where was Percy? .... 

"Hi Thalia!" I said cheerfully.

"Hi! Why are you here though?" Thalia asked suspiciously.

"I was bored and wanted to see if you were available to hang out?" I said.

"Sorry Annabeth, I'm hanging out with the Hunters today. I have a friend that recently came back!" She said cheerfully.

"Oh? Who? I asked.

"Come! Follow me!" She yelled.

I followed her wondering who this friend was until I saw those onyx eyes. My eyes widened because I knew it was Zoe, but she probably saw what happened! I knocked out Thalia and brought my knife out to stab Zoe. Somehow Thalia wasn't fazed and looked at me. She had a look of pure betrayal. But that didn't matter. I could always torture her to swear on the River Styx this never happened. I pushed my knife forward, until I felt my grip on the knife lose itself. I stumbled wondering who it was. I looked up and saw the man from the river.


The hunters all came and tried to kill them until Thalia screamed out,


I panicked. So I picked up my knife and stabbed the man. It didn't faze him at all.

"You try to blame me? After almost killing Zoe? I've had enough dealing with you. I trusted you. I thought you would be better than this. No wonder, since you cheated on me." The man said.

"Hello again. Annie." He said as he pulled his hood up.

I gasped. I looked in fear as to what he might do.

"P-Percy? B-but she said you cheated on her?" Thalia said

"I swear on the River Styx I didn't cheat." He said.

Thalia screamed out in outrage and started weeping and apologizing to Percy. But only one thought was in my mind.

That little piece of crap. He thinks he can leave while I haven't gotten all the fame and power yet? I'm still a Minor Goddess and I need to be a major one. But now... I know how to break the Hero of Olympus a SECOND TIME!. He obviously cares about Zoe, so I pull out my knife and throw it at Zoe. He let go of me and it seemed like time stopped. Then the next thing I saw was my knife in his hands.

"Try that again. I dare you. If you value your life swear on the River Styx that you won't reveal my identity." He said threateningly. I couldn't depend on help, so I reluctantly swore. He let go of me. Big mistake. I lunged at Zoe and punched her straight in the face. The momentum wasn't enough to do any damage though. I thought I heard laughing before I felt my consciousness leave my body.
*With Damien*

Zeus PoV

Sigh. Percy really doesn't deserve this. If it was up to me, I would let him be free and have a life without myths.. I laughed at his misfortune. Then I felt someone going up the elevator. I grinned thinking it was Percy to brighten up the day, until it was my snobby son Damien. I don't even know how he was born. I've been trying to stay faithful to Hera ever since we were married but somehow these children keep popping up!

"Father. I have completed a quest. I ask now to be a Major God." Damien smugly said.

I scoffed. The "quest" he did was so easy. Watch over camp and train the newcomers. It wasn't even a quest. The nerve of this guy. To ask to be a Major God as well! Ha!

"No." I replied.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you properly? What did you say?" Damien said in disbelief.

"No. You don't deserve it." I replied.

"Well, I have something I wish to show you." He said. He pulled out blueprints, which were obviously to help increase the camps defense, and said

"I have proof that Percy was working with the enemy these past few years." He said smugly once again.

I look at it and see Damiens hand writing saying "This is how to get into the camp" Does he think I'm an idiot. I'll play along.

"Ok.. But why would Percy do this? Could you swear on the Styx that it's true?" I said.

He looked frightened.

"No Lord Zeus, I just found this in his cabin. I will investigate more" On that note he ran out of Olympus.

I called the other gods to the throne room to explain what just happened.

"So Damien, and possibly Annabeth is destroying Percy's reputation?" Athena asked.

"Yes, so we must do something about it. Neither of them can swear on the Styx that it's true, but I'd rather let Percy get his revenge. I want to see the guilt on their faces" Apollo said.
We all nodded in agreement and sent an Iris message to Percy to let him know what was coming next.

How was that chapter? I hated most of it. I can't wait till Percy's reunion with the ever so loving camp. Longest chapter yet bois. Keep reading and until tomorrow whoever is reading this.

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