1k Reads + Chapter :O

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Boom update! Daily updates are godlike :p. this chapter may be confusing but from Third Person POV To Zoe's POV is the translation from a few Chaps ago (like one chapter ago lol)
But onto this thingy I wrote like a few days ago.
ALRIGHT HOW?!?!?!?! THIS IS A REALLY BAD STORY?? HOW DOES IT HAVE 1k READS? YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY AMAZING. I've been going through a rough period in time and so I would just like to thank you.

Percy Leo Me

Hey guys. It's been quite sometime huh. We were stuck in the infirmary, thanks to a certain Repair Boy *glares At Leo*

hey! It's not my fault she's a psychopathic writer who keeps trying to own us.

Dude shut up. Your provoking her again. Please chick who's writing this please have mercy on me in the story. And in real life.

Make sure to include me, the Bad Boy supreme commander of the Argo II In also!

Alright, I'll let you guys go... on one condition,


But I did-


;-;. Just say the disclaimer :/


I said say the disclaimer Percy.

This Person Does No-




Leo you done messed up. She doesn't own PjO or HoO but she will be owning a dead body of a character in HoO soon.

*flashback to the weird language chapter*

Third Person PoV

Drip. Drop. Drip.

Those were the sounds of blood being shed.

Shinck. Shlink. Poof.

Those were the sounds of dust being spread. The sound of death. The sound of victory. The sound of living another minute. That's all a figure is hoping for. A figure standing in the middle of a Sea of Monsters. Trying to live another minute. A whirlwind of destruction around him. The dust particles. If you were to look at the figure you wouldn't be able to see him. This went on for several hours.


A pair of a demititan and giant were looking for a demigod. What happened to the demigod? Let's go back to that figure. The figure had raven black hair. Sea green eyes. A golden blade shining bright during the fight. With A few monsters left the figure was slowing down. Unknowingly a monster snuck up behind him. He didn't bother to block it. He just let fate be.

*Before prophecy, continuing on from the last paragraph*

Luckily, the demititan and giant found this figure. Along with mounds of dust. How did so many monsters get killed? You guessed it. The one and only (JOHN CENAAAAA... jk). Percy fricken Jackson.

Zoe PoV

We rushed to Percy, we probably couldn't do anything anyways. We had no supplies. Damasen called his drakon? (i forgot what the monster was. I read to many fanfics lol) and put Percy on the saddle. We rode back to the swamp trying to tend to Percy's wounds. A lot of things went through my mind on our way back. Why were there so many monsters? How did Percy even survive that many?
The mystery was solved soon when Percy started glowing. Wait... GLOWING???? I panic thinking he was going to explode, that would be distressing and gross. I back away from him telling Damasen what's happening. He looks confused. Like he's seen this before but doesn't know how.

"Zoe, he's fine." Relief is etched on my face.

"There's a but isn't there?" I said.

"This shouldn't have happened at all. Only the Original Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia), Stronk man Titans, Primordials, and demigods blessed by Chaos should have this power. But the last thing never happened. It was informed that if Chaos blessed anyone the blessed should be his successor, but no one was ever worthy. Every single person who tried to get blessed spontaneously combusted. (big words amiright)" Damasen explained.

"So, Percy's a God? He was glowing golden to be honest." I asked.

"Not exactly, see your friend here is a demigod an-"

"W-wait. Are you saying that this Kelp for Brains right here... is a Titan????? I'm kidding, Damasen don't facepalm at me. But in all seriousness, he is the successor of the Universe?"

Damasen nods. I can't help but feel shocked. Knowing your friend took out almost all the monsters in Tartarus is bone-chilling sure, but that he's going to be the successor of the Universe?

"HEY! BOB you home?"

I'll end it there because I'm evil >:3

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