Training with a Giant

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Percy PoV

We walked through the purple landscape to head back to the familiar swamp. I checked outside my shelter for a few days and see some different things.

Warily I drew riptide out. I trekked through and outside the tent came a very familiar giant.

(So wanted to end it there but trying to make my chaps longer cuz I keep reading better fanfics.


"Who passes through my swamp?" Damasen replies. With his Drakon? (was it a drakon? I dunno)

I put my sword away and waved for Zoe to come closer. I walked up to the giant and hugged him.

"Percy? What are you doing here?"

"Tartarus... he swallowed me down here."

"Umm. Percy, mind telling me who this giant is?" Zoe asked.

"oh. Yeah this is Damasen Bane of Ares. He helped me get out of this horrible place" I said emphasizing horrible. 

The two shook hands and discussed their stories even though I told both of them a bit about each other. I heard the words betrayed and heartbroken. I wanted to give up right there and start crying. What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted a family. Cmon Percy you gotta stay strong. I looked around. Who said that? It's me! Your inner mind. Call me Smart Percy. You remind me of someone from another book. Yeah, I was inspired by Lunar's plight, but I don't return to the story. I was brought back to reality when Damasen threw a rock at me. I didn't bother to move. I let it hit me and I felt nothing.

"Percy! You gonna train with us or what?" Zoe said.

"Yeah yeah I'll be right there."

"Who am I training with?"

"Percy, bud... Your training with *enter drumroll* DAMASEN!" Zoe said in an announcer voice. I must have looked astounded because Zoe started patting me on the back and grinning evilly.

I didn't like that at all. Nevertheless I walked up to Damasen and uncapped my trusty sword Riptide. The bronze sword gleaming through the foggy wasteland. (side note what's damasens weapon? For the sake of the story let's say a broadsword) Damasen unsheathed his broadsword.

His form, one knee slightly bent another straight. An advanced defense position. I slightly leaned forward going for an offensive defense.I lunged straight at him unleashing an enormous amount of slashes. I slightly spun feinting my sword to his left. Then Damasen counter-attacked using a powerful kick sending me to the river. Huh. Maybe a real fight this time. I didn't control the water as I didn't want to. I was finally having a challenge. I leaped forward bringing forth a powerful overhand (this sounds like basketball at this point Imao) unto his blade. The blades clashed in a beautiful but deadly encounter. Sparks flew out as they collided. I twisted my sword putting weight unto his wrist to make him drop the sword. Of course he didn't but it was a good move. He slashed his broadsword up as to repel the sword away from him. He started his onslaught of attacks. I was forced on defence as I had to parry and counter-attack at times. I spun right, stuck my sword out, and used it as leverage, Once I landed I flipped over Damasen and as a look of shock was etched on his face grabbed his sword and pointed the swords to his neck. "Do you yield?" I said. No reply. He suddenly kicked upwards and both swords flew out of my hands. I groaned. "Don't count your arrows before the hunt is over." (anyone get the reference? If not then it's from Lunar's Plight made by Major_Nich.) He said. "I yield, I know when I'm beaten" Then clapping came from the side of the swamp. I forgot Zoe was here. I smiled slightly at her. Then I saw black. Probably because I passed out. Who knows.

727 words. Slow updates because uhh I missed like school.-. I didn't even know school started lol. So uhh. Since I'm off a lot now I'll try to update more often

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