Zoe almost gets raped

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E I realized last chapter wasn't even related to the story so here you go.

Damien PoV

I read the note in shock. How dare he? I was the star hero. I did everything! Who even was Percy Jackson? He is nothing compared to me. I bet my father was just drunk. Yeah that's it.

This guy read my note in amusement. I tried to punch him but he just caught my fist. Then I tried to kick his balls. He just caught my leg. How did he even do that?

"Do you value your life?" He asked

"Yes" I said

"Then don't do it again"


(lol draco malfoy is dat you?)

"Read the note dumb bitch"

He got me there. I didn't say anything though. I just grunted and walked away. I was going to go find Annabeth. Or maybe that hot chick that I saw earlier. Ah! There she is! Her beautiful onyx eyes. And that curv- I'll stop there. Anyways, I walked over to her.

"Hey beautiful. How bout you and me in my cabin?" I asked

"NO! You are a- a PIG! I'm not even ALLOWED TO LOVE!" She said

"A hunter of Artemis huh? Well, your whole squad will be falling for me soon enough. But for now, I'll be satisfied with you." I said.

So I pushed her to the ground and on her back. She tried to fight back but I was too strong. I unzipped her pants and I started smirking. Until I felt a knife in my knee. I screamed.

"I thought you heard my speech." The man said.

Oh sh- I didn't get to finish that thought. He took the knife out of my body and said

"Run. If I see you even look at a hunter again, you will have a punishment worse than death"
So I did the smartest thing I could do. I ran.

Zoe PoV

I was just walking around the camp waiting for Percy to finish his introduction when I saw a boy come here. He was trying to rape me! I tried fighting back but he had an iron grip. I was so scared until I saw Percy. I nearly grinned. The boy left and I hugged Percy.

*le time skip*

How can people be this idiotic? Can't they tell that the Zeus and Athena spawn are trying to take control of this camp? Also, how do people believe a guy who RAPES women and is supposedly dating the Athena spawn instead of Percy! I can't wait to castrate any men who get near the hunters. Then that boy who tried to rape me showed up. I told the hunters and they all shot at him. Let's just say, he looked like a porcupine when we were done.

I saw a girl, who was typing something in the corner, while looking at us. She looked like she needed a friend. So I walked up to her and introduced myself.

"Hi! I'm Zoe! Who are you?" I said

"J-j-jasmine." She said.

"Hi Jasmine! Wou-" My sentence was cut off when suddenly, a note appeared.

Dear Olympians,

Hello! It's me! Nyx. I would like to warn you,

That my husband Erebus is trying to take over the world!

I would like to help you, and change my husband!

Sincerely, your favorite dark goddess, Nyx

"We should inform this to the olympians!" I said.

Jasmine only nodded. I ran to Artemis and explained the situation. She flashed us all there and summoned chairs. They began talking but I wasn't paying attention to them. I was paying attention to a certain sun god.



I wrote that Nyx was part of this? SHIT THE PLOT IS RUINED

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