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Percy PoV

I sensed there was something wrong at the hunters camp. I warped near, to see what's going on. All I could hear was whimpering. All of the hunters were on the floor with chains. Where was Artemis? Then I saw that douchebag of a Giant Orion dragging Artemis. This is NOT GOOD. I brought out my bow, and notched a few arrows. I let them fly releasing the hunters from their captives. I brought out my sword and trekked to the Giant.

He hasn't noticed me. I hid in a bush and heard the ongoing conversation.

"Where's your precious guardian now? It doesn't matter. You will be my wife. If it wasn't for Apollo, I would've taken your virginity already" Orion teases.

Artemis doesn't look against it. But she does look disgusted. Is she really wanting him to take her virginity. Something about this made me really mad. So I walked forward and unveiled myself.

She grinned. Maybe this was a part of her plan? Girls are so confusing.

"The Guardian, hmm..? You don't look like much. Now watch me take Artemis's virginity in front of your eyes" He smugly said.

He started fumbling with his pants and I looked at Artemis. You could see the fear in those silver eyes. I ran up and hit him with an uppercut, knocking him a few yards away. He stood up, from the place I hit him to and pulled out his Bow.

"I won't even need to do anything. One arrow, and you're dead!" He boasted.

He unleashed the "Arrow". He wasn't even that great of an Archer. I concentrated, thinking of what powers I could use to defeat him. Water! I froze the water around the arrow, leaving the arrow in mid-air. And skipped over to the Giant.

"This is for Artemis, you Bitch" With that note, I cut off his head.

The golden dust was absorbed by the sword. I unfroze time and unleashed Artemis. She ran up to me and hugged me. I felt like this was a moment in which I should not speak, because I'm probably going to end up a jackalope. She wept in my shoulder, and all I could do was pat her on the back.

"Please stay with me tonight" She said weakly

A man staying with her? I must be very trustful. I only nodded not wanting to ruin the moment. I picked her up and walked over to her tent. The hunters didn't do anything because they all saw what happened. I went to her tent and laid her down. I felt like it was my duty to protect her. Not even as a job. It felt personal. Like I couldn't let anything happen to her, no matter what. I must just be close to the hunters.

*Time Skip Presented by Kronos :D*

I awoke the next morning, seeing auburn hair on my chest. ARTEMIS!!! I quickly got up and banged my head against a pole.

"No.... You're a comfy pillow" Artemis sleepily said.

"Artemis, if your hunters saw this." With that note she got up.

She quickly said sorry and looked red with embarrassment. She motioned for me to teleport with her to olympus. She called a throne room meeting, and explained what happened. They were just discussing things, while I wonder why I wasn't castrated. Then I heard that we would have to go to Camp.

"NO!" I immediately said.

"Sorry Percy, this is for the hunters own good. But as an offer, we will allow you to castrate anybody that does something against hunters, or yourself" Zeus said hopefully.

"Fine. I agree. Besides, I want to look cool and reveal myself" I said.

They nodded in agreement, and brought out popcorn.

"Not yet, not yet. But I will make a scary entrance. Speaking of scary, I was testing this fire I had and it was black and purple. Do you know what it is?" I asked.

They widened their eyes and said

"Yes, what you have is called Black Fire and Purple Fire. The only person known to use this is Perses, because he was the titan of destruction. This is very dangerous Percy."

"So... What do they do?"

"Black fire is a spreading fire. It's used to sabotage enemy camps. Only the user can control it. Purple fire is a bit different. It burns hotter than 1 million suns. The heat itself could evaporate all the water. Very Powerful. Be glad you didn't destroy the world too much. To control this, you need to control how hot it is. It could easily destroy titans. Takes a lot of energy though" Zeus said.

Hmm. Purple fire will be a last resort. Black fire could be cool though. I'll use that as an entrance.

*Time Skip*

Damien PoV

Ha. This camp is pathetic. The only one not pathetic is this hot babe Annabeth. Damn, she's so hot.


Then the sky darkened. Rain was pouring. It was probably me. I'm so strong I do things and I didn't even know. I don't even feel a bit tired. Hah. No one could stand a chance against me. But instead of lightning striking I saw a man, falling. He's probably weak. The whole camp came to watch at this point. The Man flipped around and once he landed on the ground, the earth around him arose into spikes. I whisper around, making sure that the camps all under my control. 

"I am the Guardian. Anger me, you will taste my blade, anger the hunters? You will never see the light of day" He said in a deep voice

"HA! You're probably weak. That was all props right?" I shouted. I control the campers to voice with me

All the campers voiced in agreement. I smugly smiled.

"Alright." Then I felt control over my body gone.

"Wh-what's happening?" I said.

"I'm controlling your blood. At any given moment I could break one of your vessels killing you effectively" He simply said,

"P-please let me go. You're probably so weak that you need to use powers because you can't even sword fight!" I threatened.

Then he let me go. I grinned and called upon lightning. I struck him expecting him to be dead already. Once the dust faded, I saw he was still standing there. He raised his hand and lightning, probably even stronger than Zeus's master bolt came.

"I challenge you! No Powers! Since you're so weak you can't even use a sword!" I boasted.
He didn't say anything. I took my sword out and ran towards him. I stabbed him but nothing happened. He just held my blade like it was a toothpick and snapped it.


Then a note came down.

Go fuck yourself.

Sincerely, Zeus

Sorry for profanities, even though there weren't any technically. That last few sentences though were really funny to write

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