Ah I felt good about this chapter.

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Edited, I kept the Apollo bit because it's my favorite thing I've written

Also, this Apollo pov is relatable
Apollo PoV

Ever wonder, how something would have gone differently if you did something differently? Like you do something, and then a few days later you wonder what might've gone differently? Does that make sense? This has no relation to what I'm doing now, but it's nice to express thoughts. Like another thought is that when you have information about knowing what's going to happen in the future but can't do anything about it, IS SO ANNOYING.

Having the power of prophecy has its downfalls. I see every possible ending, every possible difference, and what's going to happen... but I can't do anything about it. I see Percy's future, would be future, and could be future, and can't help but get miffed at what's going to happen to him. I mean, he would be best for-

That's a little too much information. I'm not comfortable with talking to myself on Percy's relationship status. Though I would like to punch Annabeth in the face but seeing what comes next, has my satisfaction.

Iris messaging is a wonder. A water facetime. It's very interesting. But Iris keeps ripping me off of my money. Well of course, I'm a god and I have a lot of money, she keeps ripping me off!

Where was I?

I have no idea! I'm also not comfortable knowing that a random person, who knows nada at this moment about Greek Gods, is going to be writing all this down in the future. How? I have no idea. Do Gods have ADHD? I feel like this was just pointless nonsense.

Oh Yeah! Iris messaging. So Zeus (who is an actual great father) sent an Iris message to Percy.

We don't see much except him training his powers. Until Annabeth comes to the hunters camp. This oughta be interesting. Annabeth talking with Thalia? Thalia's cool. She's awesome. I want to be in a brother-sister relationship with her. Technically speaking, she is my sister but we don't dwell on that. Being cool isn't that great. Not to sound Narcissistic, but golly, it's horrible. Everyone assumes that because you're "cool" you're a bachelor. I've loved every single mother of my children, and wanted to settle down with them, but they all assume you won't be faithful. Not even my own sister Artemis believes me. Speaking of Artemis, I can't help but hope that I would be a better brother to her.  I wonder why I can't see into my own future. The iris message is still going on and It still has 1080p resolution. I flash popcorn into my hands and grin at the screen.

"Anyone want some? This is going to be good" I said.

They all nod because I of course am the god of prophecy. I look back at the screen and see Annabeth pull out her knife. She tries to knock out Thalia, but Percy heals Thalia and let's her see the events unfold. Annabeth aims her knife at Zoe and lunges aiming to kill. Zoe was a nice person. I would settle down with her, but Hunters are unable to love. (hehehe. What's the ship name for Zoe and Apollo? Apozoe? Zopollo?) I bite my fingernails hoping she's alright. Then Percy stops them.

*Enter the thing from last chapter and we're all good.)

Well. That was a sudden turn of events. That author has a lot to write about. Though, if this was a story, this wouldn't be such a great chapter. She should probably switch PoV's to Percy's. Speaking of Percy, where's Poseidon. Speaking of Poseidon how do fish-

Author's PoV
Hope you liked that little bit with Apollo. Onto Percy's :D

Percy PoV
After that whole "incident" I started explaining to the hunters. They didn't want to hurt a maiden (if she was one) and brought her back to the camp's infirmary. They didn't do such a great job at that though. Wink wink. The hunters are a great family. They all care about each other so much and it warms my heart that I get to be a part of it. But that's not important right now. What's important is that I should start training.

*insert training montage and chore montage here for 3 months*

Ah. Another wiping the floor with hunters.

"Cmon dudettes, you didn't last as long this time!" I teased.

"I swear to god Perce, I'm going to kill you" The hunters groaned.

I gave them a cheeky grin and half of the hunters glared. The others just stared in amusement.

Then suddenly, A POKEMON APPEARED!.

Joking, but Apollo did appear. He looked askance, and very nervous.

"Hi Perce, I wanted to ask you a favor.,?" Apollo asked
"Sure!" I said cheerfully

"It's my daughter. Hannah. She's 12 years old but hasn't been brought to camp due to her Uncles and cousins abusing her. Her mother died and I wasn't enough to save her. Please Percy. Please save her." Apollo said.

I nodded not even saying a word. I didn't even ask for guidance. I just felt like I knew where I needed to go. I warped (let's just say air manipulation) to the apartment and knocked down the door.

Blood. That was the first thing I saw when I entered. I saw knives, whips, and other things I prefer not to say. I was disgusted with these pigs. Oh God I think the hunters rubbed off on me. I heard screams. I walked into the bedroom and saw 2 boys and a "man" standing over a girl. The man was carving into the girls skin writing useless all over, while the other two boys fiddled with their pants. I had to stop this.

"Do you think even the worst person can change. That everyone could be a good person. If they just try?" I asked.

They whipped around and saw me. They took out knives preparing to defend themselves.

"Hahaha. That was stupid. You don't deserve to get a second chance." I said.

"You should be praying to God. Of course, I don't think they would give you another chance"  I smiled.

I teleported Hannah to another room. I caused the air around their heads to hold them captive. I went to the man and took the knife. I put the knives deep within his body pulling it all along. He screamed in agony. I didn't care. I cut every finger off, his ears, and put the knife against his tongue.

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