*insert chapter title because the author cant think of one*

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:) I finished Diagnostic test early :P
I wasn't planning on updating today, but I had nothing to do.
So... your welcome


Percy PoV

My body still aches. This training is beginning to feel more like chores if anything. My body is sore. How long have I been doing this? A month huh. Well when you're on a set schedule, you lose track of time. My body's shifted to the pain. I wonder if this actually worked. 

(I read The Lost Legend and it says Endurance is how much pain you could take but this story means to endure longer? Makes sense?)

I had to refine my skills. Taking out my sword I went to the dummies. I swung but not even a strong swing, cut through the whole dummy. Bored with the dummies already, I didn't bother to swing again. (did I give him forge powers?). I walked back to my tent and started building. Building what? I have no idea. But my mind was just doing it's own thing.

*several hours later*

What did I even do these past hours? Then I look at my tent and see that a fully working forge is in here. Dam. Looking around the forge I wondered if I could craft enchanted items. Several pieces of Celestial Bronze were near the forge, and I started hammering away to make automatons. Dipping the celestial bronze in the fire, I started molding and shaping the metal with my bare hands. Soon enough, I had automatons. I had equipped them with swords, and a skill level of Ares.

Then rustling came from the trees. I looked over and saw nothing there, but that didn't stop me from investigating more. Peeking through the trees, I saw an armada of monsters. I quickly ran to the camp and told the hunters that they were preparing to attack us. Almost immediately, the hunters got into battle formation.

I knocked an arrow, lit it on fire hoping that it would fly straight and true. And so it did. I happily praised the two archer twins while dancing. The fire spread throughout the monsters camp. Panicked they ran to attack us to find us waiting with a volley of arrows. Most monsters didn't stand a chance. Then a roar came and we saw the Nemean Lion. I stepped forward as I was challenging him.

He didn't attack. So I did. I punched him straight in the snout. My hand hurt like hell though. This would be a good time to experiment my powers. I tried to control the air inside the Lion's mouth to open giving me a chance to strike.

And that I did. I stomped bringing forth a rock shaped like a spike, and threw it at the Lions mouth.

It quickly disintegrated, leaving just the Lion pelt. I took the pelt and took it. It might be useful in the future.

Walking towards the "training arena" I brought the Automatons. I put them down and activated them. Exactly as I activated them, they aimed to kill me. I took out my sword and stood in a defending stance. The wind howling against my body. I lunged forward.

The bot immediately saw that this was coming and dodged it. He poked in a roman-like technique. I turned around and jabbed at him. I slashed, stabbed, duck and rolled. Eventually, I learned all the bots tricks. I twisted making it think I was going to fake, when indeed I was aiming for the hilt of his sword. I pressed the flat of my blade onto the sword knocking it out of its hands. Then I turned the Automaton off. It was a good battle, but I could've won quicker if I was faster.

No matter, time to train my powers. Artemis would be busy enough training me with speed, so I decided to not burden her. Until SHE came along.

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