Chaos QwQ

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Edit: I couldn't really see what to edit, so if it's bad oh well

Artemis PoV

"Until my final breath"

He sadly grinned at me. I tried to stop him. No. No. Not again. He rushed forward with his sword and struck him. Not in a fatal spot, but enough to get Gaea out of him. Erebus looked horrified. Percy fell. The darkness holding my body back left. Erebus tried healing Percy. We all ran over to him.

"Why Percy? Why did you do this. I could've still come back. Why did you sacrifice yourself" I asked

"Be-because. It's my duty. Art-Artemis. Take this. Keep it. It will only return to me, once I come back. Because. I made a promise that I would protect you. Even if I die." He said.

He pulled out Riptide. I only sobbed harder. Why? Why do you have to be so stupidly noble.

"No. I can't keep it. Please just take it with you. I'm not worthy of it" I said sobbing.

"It's fine. Da- Dad"

"I know son. Please. Just rest now" He said. I could tell Poseidon and Hestia were trying not their hardest not to tear up.

"Ze-Zeus. Beco-become a good ruler. I know you have it in you. M-maybe you might be a happy family" He said.

Zeus only nodded, due to being deeply sad about this hero's death.'

"Th-Thals. I forgive you" He said

I forgot the hunters were even here. Thalia only wept harder.'

"Artemis. I didn't know what you meant to me. You were weird but I always cared about you. I finally realized why." He said

(oops sorry for the rushed Pertemis about to happen)

"I love you."

Then he closed his eyes for the last time. We all didn't say a word. No one was happy with this. I held his body and cried into his shirt.

"I love you too," I whispered.

I stood up with fiery determination.

"We need a shroud. A shroud for the Son of Poseidon" (get the reference get a cookie (::) )

*time skip*

Apollo PoV

I saw how Percy's death affected her. I couldn't help but comfort her, as I knew what she felt. She didn't talk to anyone anymore. She was always cold and mad at people around her. She didn't even talk to her hunters anymore. She was always designing the shride for Percy, even though she isn't even skilled with that. She felt like it was her fault and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Percy PoV

Wh-where am I? Why is it all black? I take a look around and see the stars. Wasn't I recently dead? How did I get here? I had so many questions. Until Chaos appeared.

"Wow Percy, I knew you were known for doing the impossible, but this is interesting. I've never had someone here." Chaos said.

"What do you mean?"

"So, you died. To be brutally honest. Artemis is in a rage fit, with no one but Apollo comforting her, Olympus has grown as a family and camp is still the same but happier because you died."

"So why am I here?"

"Well Percy, you are being given a second life. I didn't choose it. The universe itself chose you."

"So. Will I still have my memories? And can I just poof back into my body and not be dead"

"Yes and no. You will have your memories, but you can't just "poof" back into your body. Reason being is because you've been dead for 6 months, and they burned your body because they were too sad to look at it."

"So... I will have a new body? And I will have to train that body again?"

"That's cold Chaos. So lemme guess, it's going to be a cliche fanfic and I'm going to train with you? And I get to bring back dead people?"

"Wow. I can't even fix that thing. But yes you are training with me. No bringing back dead people though ." He says while pointing to the fourth wall.

"Alright so when do we start?"

"Right now."

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