Endurance Training

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Now that I look back on it...

Endurance Training ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if you know what I mean.


Percy PoV


I smiled at the two's exchange. They almost immediately started a conversation and I just left them. I went to Artemis and we began discussing things.

"Hey Artemis, if you wouldn't mind, can you teach me how to control my powers and endurance/speed?" I asked.

"You want to be taught by me?"

"Yes. You have hunting knives which means you are fast, to be fast you need to endure longer, and I don't know how to control powers that well."

"Alright. We should start with endurance as that will help you learn to control powers and have better speed" She said.

We walked over to the "training arena" which was just a piece of land without any grass.

"Ready?" I nodded.

She pulled her bow out. I took my sword as I could try to deflect. She began firing.

Volley after volley of arrows came after me. Duck, dodge, and weave. My mind was on autopilot. I was already starting to lose stamina. Then the stream of arrows increased. I started deflecting all of them which was no easy task. Then one blunt tipped arrow finally knocked me out.

*A few hours later*

I woke up groaning. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Maybe I'm the new Jason. I just don't want to be shipped with a brick. My body was aching. There was a note on a table near me.

HI Slave! Today we will be strengthening your endurance by making you do chores while you are tired. First, Go to the Pond. There will be clothes there to wash. Remember, you could use your powers, but it would be more tiring. Next you need to sharpen the arrows using the whet stone. Finally you will have to hunt a bear in your tired state. Hope you survive! Artemis

Ughhh. Just my luck. I didn't complain though. I walked towards the pond and saw humongous baskets of clothes there. Do they even wash their clothes? I used my air powers to lift several clothes at one time, used my water powers to wash the dirt out, and fire powers to dry the clothes. This went on for several hours.

I finally finished and saw Zoe still in the tent. I waved at her and walked by the arrow tent. I took the arrows and peddled the whetstone so that it would get rotating. I put the arrow down onto the circular stone and started sharpening.

All the while, the hunters laughed at me and said stuff like "The pig gets what he deserves."  I was patient with them though. Other hunters felt bad for me and brought me food. I grew friends with those hunters.

At this point, my muscles were sore, my body was sore, and I was just plain out sore. Kinda what it feels like to write a book. :P. I still got up and headed to the forest. I was already tired, but I know this is for my own good. I could practice archery for this bear. I took a bow and a quiver of arrows. I started trying to shoot at trees but missed. Then I finally got the position of shooting an arrow right and hit the tree. Nice. I could actually somewhat hit the target. I shot my arrow again, and it completely missed. I shot another arrow again and it went behind me.

How the fuck does that even work?

I grinned and kept looking for the bear.

I finally found one and compared to the monsters I've killed, this was pretty easy. I brought back the bear as proof and threw it in the camp. I stretched and the feeling of my bones cracking was oddly satisfying.

"Percy, I know you're tired and all but can you introduce Zoe? It might make the hunters trust you." Artemis said walking up to me.

I nodded, unable to speak.

*Later that afternoon*

(I forgot I made him control time and earth. Oops)

"Hello everyone, I know you may not like me much but I am here to make an announcement"

"What are you leaving like the coward you are?" Some hunters commented.

I ignored them

"Please welcome, my best friend, someone I saved, Zoe Nightshade!" I said enthusiastically

Zoe walked on the stage and some jaws were dropped. Immediately some hunters said sorry and they were pretty cool. Majority of the hunt trusted me. Like Phoebe, Thalia, and some of the new young hunters. All the other hunters, I could understand why they didn't trust me. They had the worst experiences with men. But no matter.

After all, I'm so tired.

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