Saving Nightshade

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Only disclaimer I'm keeping because it's kind of funny.


Percy Leo Author

We have apprehended the crazy woman, big words :3, and now it's interrogation time.

You have previously said you own us. This has been proved wrong

I literally said I didn't own you. How small is your brain?

His is the size of a peanut. Mine is as big as a pearl :D oh btw she doesn't own us.

A/N Before we get into the story let's say 1 day on earth = 1 month in tartar sauce

2 days before Percy Falls in Tartar sauce

Edit Note: I know how Zoe is in a lot of betrayed stories, but I don't rlly know how to change Zoe from being a (.3.) to Percy

Zoe's POV KA-POW. First major character.

Being a constellation is boring.

Honestly, all you do is watch what's going on at Earth or talk with your fellow Star buds. And I really don't want to talk to that pig Orion.

I was watching a demigod getting captured by some monsters and a certain Raven-black haired boy save him. I may be a man-hater but Percy is truly a BITCH. I turned around for a moment looking at Andromeda and all the other kids running in our Constell-city until Ouranus came up to me followed by Orion. My face quickly grew into a sneer. Then I saw black. I tried to scream but I was gagged. I felt a blow to my temple until I slipped into unconscious land.

*le time skip to where Percy becomes Saitama with a sword

I finally woke up to several auras known as Titans and Giants. I look around. I was in a cell with no beds nor toilets. I was chained to the wall until I finally looked down and saw myself buck naked. I haven't felt my virginity left yet. But there are scars and purple marks all over my body along with clearish-white stuff. 

I felt another aura enter the holding cell. My eyes widen. It was the most interesting aura I've come across. I rack my mind to think of any strong ocean aura's. Percy's I thought. But what the actual fuck would he be doing here?

I look at the floor. It's purplish. We're in Tartarus. But also why would Percy be in here? Suddenly faint clashing noises were in the distance. Most Titans and Giants were dead. Others fled. The Strong Ocean Aura came near the cells. A familiar Sea-greened eyed person came into view.

"PERCY!" I exclaimed

"Whoa, Zoe is that you? I thought you died!" Percy replied from a distance as he turned away quickly.

"Thanks fucking asshole"

"Yeah, I was dead but someone kidnapped me in the constellation land."


"Percy do you have some clothes that I could borrow as I am missing some. To put it lightly" I asked.

"Oh yeah. Give me a sec." Percy replied

For a moment everything was quiet. Then clothes appeared on my body.

"Thanks? I guess?" I asked

"Blessing of Aphrodite. Speaking of how'd you learn modern english?"

"The author of the story decided it because it's easier to write" I said.

Hush Zoe. We gotta buy like 6 packs of flex tape.

"oops sorry."

*le time skip when we fix the fourth wall.

"People in the sky sure know a lot. Welp anyways mind getting me out of here?"

"Yeah no problem."

He cut of the shackles on my wrists and legs. I cracked my back and wiggled my legs. It sure felt good to be alive again. We walked on out of the fortress to the Happy ending that doesn't exist.


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