Dark... like my soul.

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So! How's it going? I can't believe you've stuck this far throughout the book and shoutout to HalfsisterofPercy, because she kept me motivated to writing. SOOOOOOOOOOO. This book is basically all thanks to her.
Also... you think the prophecy is over? Oh nononono. That was only the beginning. A minor setback



*insert epic training montage for 3 years*

"Well. That took longer than expected" Chaos says panting.

"Yeah. I wonder why. IF I'M FACING THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE!" I Exasperatedly said.

"How's Earth going?" I asked

"Hmm. It's been 3 years. Artemis still hasn't forgotten you. People still visit your shroud. The prophecy hasn't come finished and camp still hates you and... let's finish this once and for all" He says grinning. He snapped his fingers and I felt my insides shifting. I felt like I had a different body. I looked around.

Not one thing has changed. The simple streets of New York, commotion spreading all around. People walking up and down the streets. But it looked like everything was more high tech? Why did Chaos bring me here?

"Well, good friend. You are here, because the Prophecies aren't complete yet. So..."

"So you're using me as a tool to put it blunt" I said.

Nothing answered.

God Chaos. At least I could see Artemis again. Ah never mind. She probably doesn't even know what I said. And also even if she did, she probably doesn't love me anyways. I feel different. Let me look in a mirror.

*Time skip*

WHAT! Why do I look like a son of Zeus? This is NOT GOOD. How am I supposed to tell people I'm back. Hmm. Maybe it might be best if I don't tell people who I am. I could do a lot of things. Hmm. I still had all of my powers, so I warped to Camp. Almost immediately Damien comes out.

"HALT! Why are you entering my camp?" He said.

"I-I was told this was the only safe place for demigods?" I said pretending to be nervous.
"Well It's not. So get out or you will get stabbed by my sword" He said.


He came over and muffled my face. I didn't do anything because I wanted to see the campers watching this. He took out his sword and pointed it to my neck.

"One more word and you won't live anymore"

I smirked. The campers began rushing towards us. Then they looked at the situation and my "terrified face" and put 2 and 2 together. He immediately dropped his sword and scowled. He pretended to hug me.

"He tried threatening me because it was his camp." I said innocently

"He's a SPY! That's WHY!" He argued.

All the campers brought out their weapons and pointed it at me.

"I swear on the River Styx that everything I said is true and that I am not a spy." Nothing happened.

So immediately all the campers started messing around and getting nervous because of Damien lying. They probably started wondering if everything Damien said was true.

"Wait... how do you know about the River Styx?" Damien asked warily.

"Hey Damien... Did Percy 3 years back actually do anything?" A camper asked ignoring Damien.


"I never said that my weapon was taken. I only mentioned it to Percy and he explained it to me. So you stole the stuff." Nico said, popping out of the shadows.

"No! He stole all your stuff! He cheated on Annabeth! He is a traitor!" Damien said weakly.

"Swear it on the Styx then. For you and Annabeth." The campers voiced.

"N-no. I gave enough proof." He said.

"Oh gods what did we do! We banished and killed one of the best people in mankind!" All the campers began panicking.

Unknown PoV
No-one noticed Damien running out camp though. Except for me

*Time Skip*

Diary Entry #7
Everyone began making the camp like it was used to. People started confronting Annabeth and the truth was revealed. She was banished from the camp and was, luckily for her, not killed. They finally noticed that Chiron was dead and made a burial. But in retrospect, he wasn't dead. That wouldn't make sense. I personally believe he's just hiding to make an entrance. I don't believe he's dead because well. He's immortal as long as hero's need help. So I would wait for that entrance for him.

Diary Entry #8
That new kid is obviously Percy. It's kind of obvious. The way he talks, the way he speaks. It kind of makes me a stalker. But Nick,  supposedly what his name is, quickly made friends throughout the camp. People still don't know that there would be a war. I just stood in the shadows watching the events play. Also, Percy really needs to learn the second prophecy. Sadly, I can't tell him. Curse you Ananke. Why did you have to bless me?

Diary Entry #9
I stopped using the weird language that I always used to write in. I wondered what happened to that nice girl who actually noticed me. I hope she's okay. I've been feeling really lonely now. Nobody notices me. It's my sister's birthday today. Almost about to be her death anniversary. I felt worthless. I put my pencil down and stopped writing. I cut 6 lines on my arm. The age that my sister was allowed to live for. I'll see you soon Diana.

Diary Entry #10

These people are complete bitches. Like pawns following the king. It's so stupid. Once they leaders left, they realize their mistakes. Like what bullshit is that?

Diary Entry #11
Heh. I don't know why I'm still writing in this book. I guess I'll update it if anyone decides to read it. It's been 4 months. Camp's back to normal, the Gods hang out with their kids a lot, and it's pretty much fine. I guess this is the last entry. Also I finished my book. I don't have a title for it though. I already have the noose set up. I guess I'm sorry for whoever's reading this.

Diary Entry #12
Wow. That nice girl stopped me. I wonder why. She just had sorrow in her eyes. So I'll keep this short. Maybe I'll add on to the book. I'll try to make it a lot like the life I live. I guess I couldn't leave people on a cliffhanger. Besides, the war hasn't even started yet.

Percy PoV

I really miss her. Those soft beautiful silver eyes. That huge smile whenever she did something right. I need to visit her. I revert back to my original form and warp to Olympus. I walked over to Artemis's palace.

Don't disturb while crying. ABSOLUTELY NO MEN.

I pushed my ear up into the door and heard crying. I also heard a knife being pulled out. I busted in and saw a horrifying sight. She was going to kill herself. Who would do this to her?

I ran over and grabbed the knife. I threw it and hugged her. I didn't want her to leave me. Why was she so suicidal?

"Shh... Arty. Are you there? That wasn't the same Artemis I knew before I left" I said quietly.

"Wh-who are you? Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Shh... Artemis. I will always be here to protect you. Until my final breath."

AND I'M ENDING THE STORY THERE. THANKS FOR READING AND WATCH OUT FOR THE SEQUEL. I'm joking. This still has a few more chapters to go so no sequel yet. I plan on finishing this book by the end of the weekend.

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