Gaea done messed up

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Unknown PoV

Huh. That strange nice girl came up to me again. Zoe? I think? She asked if I wanted to join the hunters. To be fair, the hunt has changed a lot. They are allowed to love, but only one person apparently. Eh. It's not my cup of tea. I don't really drink tea to be honest. But the conch horn started blaring throughout the camp.

"Jasmine hurry up" Zoe said.

I didn't move an inch. I couldn't interfere with mortal affairs. The cons of being Ananke's champion. Oh well. I didn't say anything. She looked at me curiously. I just shrugged. She got dragged off by another hunter already preparing for battle. Let's go check the enemies numbers.

Huh. It's not as large as the army Percy fought in Tartarus. But there are more powerful things. I always knew Heracles was going to betray us. If only I could tell them. So I just got out of there, with no care for the world. Camp's army was prepared, but once the stronger monsters attacked, most would be injured. I can't really tell who would win this battle. I should probably call the Roman Camp.

I teleported over there and told them the situation. Then I teleported all of them to Camp Half Blood. I teleported to the Amazons and warped them to Camp Half Blood too. We probably have a better chance at surviving but it's still a 50/50 chance. And on that note, more monsters rose from the ground. I guess that would make sense. Tartarus would help his wife. Huh. Then titans started rising from the ground. No Kronos, luckily but Hyperion, Krios, and Oceanus were here.

The earth started to quake and I smiled. Here are the reinforcements. I looked over and saw Damasen along with Iapetus. It isn't much, but a Giant on our side would be good. Camp looked really threatening. All Campers, Hunters, Amazons, and Deities piled up looked terrifying. Damien on the other side had the advantage of numbers, but the demigods had the advantage of power. Then the Gods flashed in battle armor standing next to their children. Damien rose his sword and said something. Then the armies clashed.

The Greeks, finally working like a well oiled machine, started playing defensively along with counters. You could tell by the way their shields were positioned and the archers in the back had their arrows ready to fire. The Romans were being well, Romans and using a testudo formation to shield from arrows. The Amazons and Hunters were a sore sight to see though. Tons of Arrows, came like it was a river. Not one single arrow missed their target. The Amazons were just stabbing everything until it popped. Then the stronger monsters came. And the well oiled machines were being pushed to their limits. The Gods tried to help as hard as they could and well they did, but were occupied with the Titans. I finally saw Artemis. She looked happier than she normally was, so I was going to guess that Percy revealed to her. Actually, speaking of Percy himself, he would probably get here in 3.... 2.... 1.... Then a light blinding the battleground was enforced

I laughed. Nice entrance Percy. He stood in the middle of the battleground holding what looks to be like a Stygian Iron sword. He looked pretty intimidating with his cloak and his mask. The monsters started cheering thinking that he was a reinforcement until Damien started panicking and telling them to attack. Percy just raised his hand, and a percentage of their army turned to dust. That being done, the armies went back to battle.

Percy didn't waste any time. He went straight to the Titans. I could hear the Titans boasting about how he was weak and I smirked. Percy just took out his Stygian Iron sword and plunged it straight into Hyperion. Hyperion's essence was sucked into the Stygian Iron sword and you could see it grow bright. The other Titans outraged, headed straight forth into battle. Percy, just simply stood there and made them stop using their blood against them. I guess this was a good tactic but it took too much energy. He quickly decapitated all of them and made time return again. He then moved forth heading to Heracles.

Any monster who dared challenge him ended up being a cloud. Soon the wave of monsters parted from him and just attacked the demigods. But Percy didn't let that happen. I silently cheered in my mind and said Go Percy! He used the water in the air to make a shield of some sorts and froze it. He started walking towards Heracles again. Heracles smugly smiling probably thought he would just be dead in one punch. So he took out his club and swung it as hard as he could and hit something.

I frowned. Percy was powerful but I don't know if he could survive that. Until we actually see what happened. Percy was holding the club with one hand. Everyone heard what he was saying.

"This is for Zoe. You Bitch"

Gaea PoV

I was watching the battle through Damiens eyes and I can't say that I am pleased. This one man has taken out all of my Titans and is heading towards Heracles. Heracles just swung his club and I let out the breath I was holding. Until this guy was holding Heracles club. How did he do this? He just said something and plunged his sword into Heracles.

I took out my symbol of power (I dunno what it actually is so it's a sword in this book) and prepared for battle. This guy's facing a primordial. He doesn't know what's coming. I also needed to do something about the Gods. So I aimed an earth shard at Artemis and it finally hit. I had all the monsters hide, so that we could do this battle. Just me and him. I was fully prepared to win and conquer the earth until he saw what I did. He sheathed his sword. And had his hands on his back sheathes.
"No use in holding back. You don't deserve mercy" He said.

He pulled out the swords from his back and I saw how much power he held. His eyes, a familiar sea green, but with thrashing storms and winds and earthquakes. His swords, one emitting a bright light and the other spreading darkness and eating away the light. He pulled down his hood, and I saw once again the familiar face of Percy Jackson.

Percy PoV

I unsheathed the swords. I didn't have anything in mind except one thing. Make. her. Fade. I swirled one sword in my hand, and the other ready to defend. I lunged forward and aimed it straight at her heart. She blocked it but was pushed back by the force from the blow. I spun my sword so that it would hit her shoulder while the other tried to damage her arm. She blocked those away and tried to hit me. I blocked every single one until I had a malicious grin on my face. I spun forward striking her sword every single time. Every time it hit's a bright light flows into the room. Then her symbol of power broke.

"This is for Artemis. This is for the Campers. This is for all those who have died."

I put up a defensive shield of elements and concentrated.

"And they will not be in vain"

My blade was engulfed in purple flames. The flames were licking the tip of my blade. I didn['t do anything but strike her straight into the heart.

The purple flames started dying and the wall was breaking until I realised something important. ARTEMIS!!!! I warped over to her and started trying to heal her.

I sang quietly.

(I dunno about the song so uhh random song that I like.)

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
One step closer
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Thousand Years by Christina Perri

The healing grew more intense until finally with one last glow...

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