Gods Are Nice. Primordials Suck

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson

Olympians POV

"You know, I really don't have the time for this. Could you just like make me not alive...? So I could see my friends in Elysium?

He wishes to die? Why would the Hero of Olympus wish to die?

"Why would you wish to leave my daughter" Athena scoffed.

"Because she loves someone else? I'd prefer not to talk about this topic" Percy said. 

"It was probably for a good reason then?" Athena said nervously.

"Alright Athena, swallow your pride and take it. Your daughter, broke up with me. For someone else. Deal with it" Percy said coldly.

"I will not allow you to die as you are one of our greatest and selfless heroes." Zeus Said

Percy POV

I sighed.

"I prefer not to be used as a guinea pig for Olympus. Could I maybe die so I don't have to be a hero?" I asked.

"Why would you not want to be a hero"

"Why would I not want to be a hero? HAH! Why would I want to be a hero? Good things don't happen to heroes. So shut up with that bullshit about being a hero, because I'm sick of it" I said coldly.

The room silenced and it felt like it got darker.

"So what you gonna do?" I said.

"We will bless you! and give you Partial Immortality!" They said.

"That seems too cliche" I noted.

"Too bad!"

The Olympians Raise their hands and throw their pure energy orbs.


Apollo: Archery, Control Sunlight Into a Lazer Beam thing, and telling great Poetry!

Hermes: Speed to Rival his own, and excellent lying skills.

Hades: Can Shadow Travel, Raise the Dead, and Control the Shadows around him. Along with a Stygian Iron Sword.

Hestia: Power over Fire and able to summon food.

Artemis: Able to talk to animals and can control moonlight.

Aphrodite: Able to CharmSpeak, Summon Clothes, and made him look "hotter"

Poseidon: Can control any type of water, Water Vapor, Blood, etc.

Zeus: Power to fly and has control over lighting.

Ares: Able to learn any weapon fast.

Demeter: Can summon cereal.

Hephaestus: Power of Forge?

Suddenly a portal appears. A man with stars all over his body and planets.

"Hello. I Am Chaos. I Am here to bless Percy Jackson because I choose him As my champion and heir to the throne."

*Cue the olympians fainting"

"Fuck. Come on man, how many times do you appear in Betrayed stories. Can you not?" I asked.


And I passed out due to the amount of cliches.

Chaos: Power over any element, Can control gravity, wings, and summon black holes.

Dam he's powerful

Then a voice rang throughout Olympus.

"Percy... You will never be safe from me." A voice Percy knows all too well.

"You have stopped me from making my real form but as compensation you come back in here!" Tartarus said.

He felt himself falling into the pit he wanted to never return to.

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