Bakugo X Kirishima 🌈(Rewritten)

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Prompt: Bakugo wants to confess his love to Kirishima and asks advice from his mom


Bakugo was walking to lunch with his friends. He had been having issues staying focused, it was obvious he had something on his mind. Kirishima had been noticing this, of course, he had liked the boy with anger issues for years. They had worked together on projects and other group activities.

"Yo Bakubro are you feeling alright you're blanking out," Kirishima asked concern lacing his voice.

Bakugo looks back at his red-haired friend, "yeah it's just I need to get something off my plate." Kirishima had looked at his friend again with concern.

"Are you sure?"

"Stay out of my damn business"

"If you insist"

The rest of the group looked at each other with silent shocked expressions. All of them had the same thing going through their heads. What could be going on with Bakugo to make him go quiet and space out? "What's even going on with you, you've been acting strange Bakugo," Mina asks jumping to his side leaning on his shoulder. "Get off me," he says pushing the pink female off of his shoulder.

"Bakugo can I speak with you," Kirishima says pulling Bakugo to the side after lunch. "What the hell do you want," he asks when they're

farther away from the group.

"I've noticed that you've been unusually quiet and have been acting very strange around me and the others. Is there anything you want to tell me or talk to me about?"

"It's none of your damn business Shitty hair."

-Timeskip brought to you by Mitsuki's parenting-

Bakugo walks into his parent's house hearing his Mom's yelling.

"What the hell do you think you're doing you cant chop onions like that dickwad," Mitsuki yells at the chef on the TV trying to chop onions for his dish. "Sweety it's been forever since I have seen you, what are you doing here?"

"Mom I need to talk to you about something"

"Okay, what's up?"

"So, I think I have a crush on a friend of mine. The thing is I am straight and I only like girls. I am very confused right now because I think I like this boy. "

"Let me guess, it's Kirishima," Mitsuki says turning off the cooking show she was watching.

"How did you know was it obvious what should I do do you think he likes me what will happen," Bakugo starts pacing back and forth in the Kitchen.

"You should tell him how you feel you cant bottle up these emotions. Ask him for a cup of coffee or a movie. When I met him he seemed to adore you, I've seen the way he looks at you. He probably feels the same way. Shoot your shot before someone else does."


Bakugo was walking into the dorm to see Kirishima sitting on the couch with their friends laughing about something. He quickly ran upstairs before anyone could say anything. Kirishima looked at his friends with a concerned look. "You should tell him," Denki says smirking slightly. "Maybe I should but what if he doesn't look at me that way, what if he friend zones me," Kiri stands up picking up his phone sliding it into his sweatpants pocket. "Trust us," Mina says smiling.

The red-haired boy walks to Bakugo's dorm door knocking lightly on it before it opens. "Hey I need to talk to you," they both say at the same time. The pair look down at the carpet chucking. The two stand there for a second or two before Kirishima breaks the silence, " so like are you gonna let me in or will we be standing here all night?"

"Sure let's go to my dorm to talk. I need to talk to you somewhere more private where the others can't bother us."\

"Listen I like you Bakugo and I understand if you don't return the feelings but I just wanted to tell you to get it off of my chest," Kirishima is cut off by Bakugo grabbing him and hugging him. "Do you want to grab a coffee sometime Bakugo asks him looking down at him.

"Of course I will"


Just to clarify Kirishima and Bakugo are third years here so they are almost 18.

720 words

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