Todoroki X Momo 🚨 (Rewritten)

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 Prompt: Momo and Todoroki have a disagreement which leads to Todoroki cheating


Momo and Todoroki have been dating since their high school years. Some could say they're high school sweethearts. The issue is that both of them were pro heroes and they didn't have much time for their relationship. Momo wanted to settle down and get married and have kids. Todoroki wanted to focus on his work, they both did. Momo would often get into arguments with Todoroki making him sleep on the couch or kick him out of their apartment. She just wanted him to pay more attention to their love life or it would lead down a road she didn't want it to go down. Her parents were insisting to come home and get into a better relationship. Todoroki's Dad was very proud of him for becoming a hero but was surprisingly not against the relationship he had with his girlfriend.

One night Todoroki and Momo got into a very bad fight that would be harming the relationship. It was 3 in the morning when he arrived home that night, "Where were you I have been waiting here for the past 5 hours for you to come home. I saw you when you were on duty and didn't even look at me, you were too busy with your stupid fangirls," Momo yelled at him making him wince as he came through the door. "What was I supposed to do shove them out of the way to get to my girlfriend. The press would be on both of our asses. Would you want to be followed around all day by mics in your face because your boyfriend was rude to fans by shoving them?" Todoroki stooped to her level yelling, it wasn't long before the doorbell rang. It was the police coming for a noise complaint, honestly, the police were very shocked to hear the couple yelling through the door.

"I swear we'll keep it down," Todoroki says to the police standing at the door before he shuts the door. He turns around to face Momo she had a pitcher of water in her hand. "What the hell are you standing there for with a pitcher-", he stops as he watches her throw the pitcher at him. The glass shattered and the water combusted onto him. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR ISSUE," he yells picking the glass out of his costume.

"I wish you would just settle down with me, have a kid, get married."

"I'm not making the mistake my Dad made."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Momo starts raising her voice again while the two start yelling she stops and starts crying. "I wish you would fucking listen to me," she falls to the ground still crying. Todoroki turns around to walk out of the apartment to leave Momo alone to clean up the vase.

-One week later-

Todoroki and the press haven't seen Momo at all since that day.

Today was the day Momo was going to patrol her area which was right near Todoroki's. To her surprise, he wasn't there yet at least. Todoroki finally showed up talking to Mina one of her best friends. Momo was infuriated with this and ran to his post yelling at him. "SHOTO TODOROKI YOU DICKBAG STARTED HANGING OUT WITH MY BEST FRIEND. ARE YOU FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND?" She started yelling again before someone grabbed her arms from behind she continued to struggle to get out of this person's grasp. She turned to see her old classmate Denki holding her back. "Get your stuff out of my apartment by next week were over you sack of shit," she yells while being dragged away.


Sorry for the angst it had to be done sometime :/. This is my first angst I don't think I am any good at writing it, I dunno I need feedback. Thank you ichicka for feedback and ideas

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