Momo x Jiro (Rewritten)

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This is a modern AU, so there are no quirks. There is a mention of BL, GL, and Hentai.


Momo's POV

"I remember the first time we met, it was in a book store. It was 3 years ago, we were 17 years old. I was buying textbooks and she was buying the same type of textbooks."



I was buying algebra books for school when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry I just was trying to find the algebra books," the girl said fumbling with her hands. 

"Oh well, I was looking for the same type of books. I know where there are since I have been buying books from here since forever," I say looking down at her. I start to blush slowly thinking about how pretty she is. The way her purple hair flow. She looks like she belongs in a rock band which makes her look even more badass. Her cheeks started to look red by the second. 

"Hey, are you okay you look red," I say reaching my hand towards her forehead? 

"I'm fine," she says pulling away.

I lead her towards the books, grab my books, and go to the manga aisle. I always buy BL and GL mangas so that's also why I'm spending 42.33 yen on books. (It's 50 American dollars.) I was standing there looking for the exact mangas I have been reading. I finally find them and look up from the bookshelf and see her again. I look at her and she is looking at the hentai in the next aisle. 

"Do you want help picking out hentai," I ask smirking at her. 

"Oh I didn't even see you if you wouldn't mind which ones do you recommend," she asks looking up and blushing. I feel bad for her because I have been popping up and now I caught her buying Hentai when I just met her less than 15 minutes ago. 

"Sorry for making this situation awkward so I'll buy you coffee after this. There is no way I'm letting this happen to you without an apology. My apology will be coffee," I say coming to her side of the bookshelf. My parents never found out what I was spending my money on but it was this. I got at least 338.60 yen (400 American dollars) this week so I will have plenty of money to pay for our books and our coffee. 

"I can pay for everything I have plenty of money trust me," I say taking her books and picking up the hentai. 

"If you say so," she says. We both started walking up to the cashier. 

"Is that all I could get for you both, can I say you both look like a wonderful couple being so comfortable with each other," she says scanning the books. 

"We're not a couple sorry we just met," she said turning redder by the second. 

"Sorry about I just can't ignore how two strangers who just met are buying BL, GL, and hentai together. I can understand the textbooks. Who's paying for the books today," the cashier asks bagging the books up. I take out my money and pay, we then grab the books and make our way to the coffee shop.

 "Welcome to the Doughnut shop what can I get you," the cashier asks looking up from the screen of her phone. 

"Hi, can I get a vanilla bean frappuccino with extra caramel," I say looking then looking at the shorter girl next to me? 

"I'll get a black coffee without any sugar or creme," she says grinning. I pay after she orders and we waiting for our coffees. 

"I never got your name," she says turning to me.

"It's Momo Yaoyorozu what is your name."

"I'm Kyoka Jiro, my parents are musicians."

"That's why I got this musical vibe from you."

"Yeah, they taught me how to play almost all of the instruments I know how to play."

"My parents are CEO's so that's why I have all this money."

"That explains a lot."

We stand there in silence for a little while until our coffees are ready. That evening we enjoy each other's company until it's dark. We both exchange numbers so we can get coffee at other times.


End of Flashback

"Now I am marrying the girl of my dreams that I met in a bookstore. That was 3 years ago I can't believe I met my amazing wife while buying Boy love and Girl love mangas. I love her so very and I'm so glad I met her."


770 Words

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