Deku x Todoroki 🚨(rewritten)

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TW Endeavour is homophobic in this oneshot if this triggers you please don't read it.

Also brings up wife-beaters.


Todoroki's POV

"Hey, Izuku I have been wondering why I haven't met your Mom. You met my Mom and my siblings but I haven't met any of your family," I say brushing out my wet hair. "Two can play that game, why haven't I met your Dad," he says looking up from his hero journal. "Well, you don't hate your Mom Deku. I'll tell you what if I let meet my Father and I'll be able to meet your Mom," I say calmly still brushing out my slowly dampening hair. "That sounds good to me we could go to Olive Garden and we could bring my Mom. You can bring your Dad too," Izuku says smiling at me.

"Let me find a time my Father isn't working 'being the No. 1 hero is a big job,'" I say quoting him with air quotes. Know here's one of the issues how will I explain to my Father that I am gay when he meets Deku. I dial his number and wait for an answer. "Endeavor speaking," the voice says on the other side of the phone says. "Hi Enji it's Shouto I wanted to know if you wanted to meet my-" I pause at the word boyfriend. "My significant other," I say scared to hear my Father's answer. " Shouto, remember being the No. 1 hero is a big job," my Father says. I start laughing at him "I knew you were going to say that. You'll be able to meet his Mom," I say recovering from my laughing. "HIS Mom," my Dad questions. "6 tonight at the Olive garden sounds good Father, goodbye," I say rushing to get out of that situation. "He said yes," Izuku asks standing in the door frame. "One could say that."

5:30 rolls around, the couple are sitting their shared car. Deku is nervously fidgeting with his hands while Todoroki is driving. "You'll be fine Midoriya my Father will like you. He did when he met you the first time," I say reaching my hand down to his hands. "Your Dad didn't know we were dating when I met him first," he starts ranting and panicking. "You'll be fine I will make sure of it."

We walk into the Olive Garden and I see my Father. Midoriya barely recognizes my Father but I sure do. "Shouto it's good to see you," he says standing up and crossing his arms. "My Mom should be arriving soon," Midoriya says sitting down on the opposite side of the booth. "So Shouto why is he here," Father asks glaring at Midoriya. "This is my boyfriend. Dad Izuku is my boyfriend and we've been dating for a year and a half," I say glaring at my Dad. "Sorry I am late I'm Midoriya's Mom," Ms. Inko says holding her hand out for my Father to shake. "I don't do that formal shit. Shouto why didn't you start dating that Momo girl she'd be a better fit for you," my Father asks spite filling his tone? "Because I am gay Dad you can't force me into a relationship with a spoiled rich girl. I am staying with Izuku," I start to raise my voice. "I can't have a gay son he will be the number 1 hero," he says slamming his fist on the table

"You wouldn't know I am gay. Mom does but she wouldn't tell you because you're a wife-beater."

"I loved your Mother she's the one who messed it up she got herself hurt and that was her fault."

At this point, Inko and Izuku are sitting there in silence staring at us arguing in shock. "SHUT UP WIFE-BEATER YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT LOVE," I yell slamming my hands on the table. "We're going to have you politely leave," the waitress says walking up to our table. We all leave the restaurant quietly gaining stares. "Carry on with your meals sorry about that," Izuku says voice cracking while he speaks. We all make it to the door and leave the restaurant. "How about we all go back to my house and have some tea," Inko proposes before being cut off. "I'm taking Shouto home he is not staying with you tonight," my father says pulling me by my arm away from Izuku. He drags me to his car and has me sit in the passenger seat.

We sit there in silence for a while while he drives. "Why didn't you tell me it was him. He is supposed to be your enemy, not your boyfriend." "Too bad he's my boyfriend and you can't separate us." We argue for a while before I start yelling about how he doesn't know what it is like to love someone. Our argument goes on until I get out of the car and call an Uber to take me home.


I hope that was okay for angst am not that good at writing angst. 

844 words

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