Iida x reader

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(F/P/R) - Favorite Pizza restaurant

(F/P) - Favorite Pizza


(Iida's POV)

Today was Friday which meant (Y/N) and I don't have work tomorrow. Normally Fridays are date nights, since (Y/N) wasn't feeling like going somewhere so we stayed inside. "What type of pizza should we order Babe," I say scrolling through the various pizza delivery sights. "I was thinking (F/P/R) for dinner," my beautiful wife said resting her head on my shoulder. "Let me guess you want (F/P)," I say kissing her forehead. "You know me so very well," she responds smiling.

The pizza arrives at least twenty minutes later. I grab my wallet and walk to the door to pay for the pizza. "That will be fourteen fifty-two sir," the pizza delivery man said handing me the bag of pizza. I give him the money for the pizza and I grab the pizza from the bag. "Babe the pizza is here," I yell shutting the door behind me when I go inside. I hear excited squeals followed by her running down the stairs. "I want the first slice from the pizza," she yells snatching the box of pizza out of my hands. "You could've knocked me over, do you know the risk of dropping your precious pizza," I say chopping the air. "Shush you smart glasses boy," she says sticking her tongue out and running away with her pizza. "You're so stubborn," I yell opening in my small box of pizza. I always get a small person pan pizza for myself and (Y/N) her own big pizza.

"Babe I want to go and stargaze," (Y/N) coming downstairs after being in our room eating for the last two hours. "I'm still not happy with you but I forgive you because I love you," I say getting up walking over to her. "Yayyyy we can go stargazing now," she says skipping past me and unlocking the back patio. I stand there in shock for a split second, she didn't hug. "Get back here," I say turning around dashing towards the door. When I get outside (Y/N) has already made it up to the roof where we stargaze. Once I get up and onto the roof, I lay down next to her and pull her close to my side. "I love you Tenya," (Y/N) says kissing me on my cheek. "You're so precious, don't fall asleep up here," I say ruffling her hair. "I'm so glad I married you, I wouldn't be with anyone else other than you."


Yes I know I am ending this chapter way too early and I didn't post. I know I am doing a lot of things wrong but I should be coming out with a chapter this weekend. Also, I want to put out a disclaimer, I age up the characters in most of these chapters. The reason I will not do lemons is I do not sexualize 16-year-olds. I want to thank you guys for all of the support, the support is so much more constant then what I thought it would be. I have had a crap ton of school work to do recently so if the chapters get crappier than what they are I am dearly sorry. If I do not post this weekend I will owe you another bonus chapter. Please tell me in the comments, who you want to see in the next bonus chapter. Thank you


570 words

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