Bakugo x Reader (REWRITTEN)

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Bakugo's POV

I was on my phone when I heard a knocking at my door. "Whoever is at my door at 3 in the afternoon while I am trying to relax better have a good reason to be here," I say standing up from my bed. I open the door to see Shitty hair. "What the hell do you want shitty hair," I say angered that he's the reason I had to stop relaxing. "Midoriya got hit with a baby quirk," he says panting probably because he ran here. "That's not my issue its Deku's." I start to shut the door before he says something afterward.

"Your girlfriend wants you to help her take care of him. She asked me to come and get you quickly."

"Tell her I said that it's not our issue, it's Deku's damn issue."

"She said if you don't go help her she's going to stop making spicy ramen for you."

"Fine, I'm coming downstairs dammit."

Here I am sitting on the couch with a baby Deku in my lap. I look at (y/n) who is sleeping on my shoulder. It was 9 o'clock so I can understand why she was tired she took care of the nerd more than I did. Suddenly the elevator dinged which signified that someone was coming downstairs. "What a sight to see, you've got your girlfriend asleep on your shoulder and baby Midoriya in your arms," Mr. Aizawa says sitting across from me and smirking. "I'm only taking care of him because she's sleeping. I couldn't give a damn about this damn nerd. I only am helping her because I care for her," I said blushing a bit.

"If (Y/N) had green hair it would look like your a family and she's a teen Mom. You both will be amazing parents one day, I know that you have a promise ring. You're both 17 so you would marry her soon."

"You can't tell me what to do old man I propose when I want to propose. When I get out of school and get a stable job I will propose."

"You do what you want to do, if you propose now I would be happy for you. I think it's wise of you to wait until you have a job."

I felt (y/n) stir in her sleep, she mumbled something but I don't know what. "Did you hear what she said," he asked looking at me. "Don't ask me."

I eventually fell asleep around 11, we talked for 2 hours.

Kirishima's POV

I was woken up by yelling and crying I had no clue what was going on and why it was so loud. I got up from my bed to go downstairs to see what was happening. Then I saw what was happening the class was standing around Bakugo and (Y/N) taking pictures. I heard my phone ding, it was a text from Mina.



>I got a picture before he woke up wanna see it?

<Sure, why is he yelling he woke

>He woke up when we were taking pictures of and (Y/N)

1 attachment sent

I opened the picture, it was of Bakugo holding Midoriya and cuddling into his girlfriend. It looked like they were a family, it was really manly

<That's so manly

>That's why he's yelling he's mad we got pictures of it

The elevator opened behind and I heard Mr.Aizawa come out of the elevator. "What's the damn racket down here," he said in his mad voice. I opened the picture and showed it to him to explain what Bakugo was yelling about. "Oh," he said smirking at Bakugo. Then there was a movement from the couch. "Bakugo if you don't shut the hell up I will take away your spicy ramen. Give me the damn child your ass woke him up," (Y/N) said taking the child out of his arms. She then stormed off to the kitchen to have breakfast.

Bakugo's POV

I felt bad for waking (Y/N) up that's her damn fault she shouldn't have been sleeping so damn late. What the hell would I do without her? She would be lost without me and I would be lost without. I walk up behind her and hug her. "I'm sorry I woke you up baby," I said kissing the back of her head. She turned around to look at me.

"It's okay Bakuhoe."

"I told you not to call me that dumbass."

"You want spicy ramen for breakfast?"

"Hell yeah."


719 words

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