Aizawa x Reader ☁️

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Your POV

I was walking towards the staff lounge where I saw my boyfriend laying on the couch in his sleeping bag. "I forgot that Nezu made our break at the same time this year. It's strange to see you in the spot I sleep in," I say walking up to the couch. "These kids are already a handful. I've got this loud hot head in my class," he said pulling me next to him on the couch. He unzipped his sleeping bag and pulled me in. "This is a public place remember that behave yourself," he whispered into my ear. I flipped around to look him right in the face. "I'm going to sleep now I'm tired," I said shutting my eyes while he stares at me. "You look peaceful with your eyes closed sweet," he says pulling you closer and kissing your eyelids. (Yes it sounds weird but people actually do it.) "Let me sleep you big sloth," I said burying my head into his chest. He grabs my chin and starts to kiss me in various places on my face. "If someone sees us then they'll think we're doing something else," I insist again pushing his body slightly away from mine. Then there was a knock at the door. "Yes, come in," he answers. "Kacchan blew up the lunch table," the kid at the door says. I guess he doesn't see me because Aizawa's back is to the door and I am pressed to the cushions on the couch. "Listen, kid, I'm trying to sleep here it's not my issue right now I'm on break," the Sloth next to me responds to the green-haired kid. I then make a big mistake.

I sneezed while the kid was still in the doorway. "Woah. Bless you, was that even you, " that's when he realized that he wasn't the only one in the sleeping bag. "Is that Ms. (L/N)," the kid says curiously. That's when I finally sit up to look at the kid better. "Please call me by my name, it's (Y/N) I hate my last name," I say before I hear Aizawa mumble something. "Not for long," is what it sounded like he mumbled. "I would leave him alone he's exhausted," I told the kid before he shut the door behind him.

"I thought he was going to be here forever."

"Can I have my cuddles now?"

I cuddle into him pecking him on the head. "I want more kisses nothing is stopping you," he says pulling your face closer to yours. I kiss him again before kissing away when I hear the door open. "Is (Y/N) in your sleeping bag with you or are you moving like your kissing someone for no reason," Midnight says a smirk evident in her voice. "Yeah, I'm here, why, " I say sitting up. "Am I interrupting something," Midnight says smirking at me? "Uh no I'm available," I said getting out of the sleeping bag. "It's fine I'll go talk to Mic about it," she giggles before walking out of the facility room. "Fuck."

(Midnight's POV)

"Mic your not gonna believe what I just saw (Y/N) and Aizawa w-," I yelled busting through his classroom door. I stopped when I saw he was teaching already. To be exact she was teaching class 1-A Aizawa's class. "Oh sorry I'll just text you about it," I walked backward out of the classroom. I ran down the hall to my classroom so I could just call his classroom phone. I dialed his classroom phone, waited, then got an answer. "So what happened," he asked when he picked up the phone.

"I saw her cuddled up in his sleeping bag and they were cuddling."

"YOU SAID WHAT," he yelled into the phone.

"I said they were cuddling on the couch in his sleeping bag in the facility lounge."

"We're they doing anything else."

"They were kissing."

That's when I heard him put his phone down on the desk before yelling "I'll be back," to his class. Then I heard his door slam open and someone running down the hall.

(Present Mic's POV)

I ran down the hall to the staff room to see them sleeping on the couch. Midnight wasn't lying they were cuddled up in the sleeping bag sleeping. That's when I shut the door and ran back to the classroom. "What was that about," Mina asked as I entered the classroom. "It's nothing don't worry about it, I might have to keep you guys after my class, your teacher is sleeping."


I don't know why I'm so happy with this one but I am. I really like Aizawa as a character and I know he is a popular character. Thank you for the support :) . -S

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