Hawks x Gamer!Reader

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Hi sorry for not updating in a bit. I have been busy and thank you for the almost 1k views! Thank you guys for all of the support I appreciate it!

(H/N): Hero Name

(G/N): Game Name

(F/C): Favorite Cookie


It was a stormy day with pro-heroes (H/N) and Hawks. They both were bored out of their minds having nothing to do because they didn't have hero work to do. "Hey Baby Bird, what should we do today," Hawks asked while you brush your hands through his blonde locks. "I don't know maybe we could bake cookies," you responded looking at him. "You're so beautiful in the morning sunlight," he says smiling. "What a flirt." You nuzzle close into his side littering kisses across his side. "How about we bake some cookies and play some video games." "Sounds good to me but I didn't know you were a gamer." "Well I am and it's your fault." "Maybe if you didn't watch me play (G/N) so much then you wouldn't like gaming." "But you're too damn attractive the not watch." "Well, I think we know what we're are doing today."

(Timeskip about 2 hours)

"What type of cookies are we making today baby bird," Keigo says coming up behind you, hugging your waist. "We're making (F/C)s today," you exclaim turning to face your boyfriend. "So adorable, you're like a kid sometimes," Keigo to you smiling, before he pecks you on the nose. "Hey! I am not, you bird," I exclaim cheeks glowing red. He just sits there and chuckles at you. "So childish, but it's adorable." While he stands there teasing you, you grab some of the ingredients for the cookies. "Are you going to help me or not," you say turning around glaring playfully at the birdman. "Nope, I'm going to sit here and watch the lady to all the work," he responds playfully.

You playfully hit his shoulder before walking away. "Can you get the eggs out of the fridge," you ask grabbing the butter and oil? Keigo opens the fridge to grab the eggs while you place the oil and butter down. "Wash your hands before you touch the cookie dough," you command turning Keigo. He puts down the eggs and walks to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. "So bossy baby bird," he says drying his hands on the back of your shirt. "YOU BIRD," you yell turning around to chase him around the house. When you turn around you bump right into him. "Baby bird, you don't know who you're messing with," he says grabbing your wrists.

"I may mess with you but I am still in charge here."

"Oh, the birdman is mad," you say in a teasing tone. "No one is mad here I'm just saying, remember who's the man here," he says letting go and walking away. "Where are you going I thought you were helping me bake the cookies," you exclaim waving your hands in the air. "I need to go get something from the bedroom," he says while he walks up the stairs. "Oh well, it's his loss." You start to pour the ingredients into the bowl and then you turn the oven on to preheat. "KEIGO IM ALMOST FINISHED WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING," you scream about 15 minutes later. "IM MAKING MODIFICATIONS TO THE GAMING ROOM," he yells back from the room with the consoles in it. When the oven goes off to put the cookies in you open the oven door and place the two pans in. When you're finished setting the timer you go upstairs. When you make it upstairs you see Keigo setting up a nest of comforters and blankets. "You are coming and relaxing, you've had a long week babe," Keigo says turning to you smiling. "I'll get up and get the cookies when it's time. For now, you're going to snuggle in next to me and play (G/N)." You walk into where Keigo is sitting and snuggle into him and the nest he made. "Thank you, babe, but you also need to relax," you say looking up. "No, that's for another day." After a bit, the oven alarm goes off and Hawks gets up. You just sit there cuddled up in your blankets playing your game. When Keigo comes back he cuddles in with you and you both drift off to sleep.


Sorry, I haven't posted in about 2 weeks and if this chapter is crappy I'm sorry. I was rushing to writing this chapter. I also was writing this at different so if the tone is weird I'm sorry.

-Hailey 773 words 

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