Denki x Reader

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This chapter is a short story for my Denki simps.


(Denki's POV)

I was sitting on the couch charging my phone when I heard a scream. "Denki, help me," (Y/N) yelled from the bathroom. I knew she was in there so I was hesitant. "Denki I swear if you don't hurry the hell up and get in here I will not make you my Hamburgers anymore," she yells. I knew it must have been serious because she threatened my Hamburgers. I jumped out of my seat and ran into the bathroom. "What's wrong," I said looking to the female in worry. "DO YOU NOT SEE THE FUCKING BUG," she yells shaking my shoulders then pointing to it. Once I see it I grab the closest thing near me. "(Y/N) go grab my lighter," I say spinning the thin bottle of hairspray in my hands. When she hands me the lighter I spray the hairspray and light it on fire. "Denki I swear if you burn down the dorms you will be in deep shit," she says backing away from the flames. I stopped spraying and then saw it. I lit the shower curtains on fire and it was spreading very fast. "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT," (Y/N) yells starting to panic, I, of course, started to panic as well. "WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO," I yelled back. The smoke alarm started to go off while we're standing there yelling at each other. "DENKI WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME," Aizawa yells busting down the door of my room. "I caught the shower curtains on fire again," I yelled back turning to my teacher.

All of us were moved outside when Kirishima and Mina came up to me. "What did you do this time you," Mina says shaking her head. This isn't the first time I have almost burnt down the dorms. "Well, I caught the shower curtains on fire when I was trying to kill the bug..."


Funny story this was in my drafts and I had to kill a bug today. Actually, my parents didn't want me to kill the bug on the wall because we just painted. What this means is I had to capture it then release it. I was on the phone when doing so, my friend probably thinks i'm chicken. Hoped you liked this short story

-Hailey 392 words

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