Mina x Reader ☁

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(Mina's POV)

It was at least 2 a.m when I felt them get out of bed. At first, I thought they were going to get a snack or use the bathroom. I lay there for about 15 minutes before checking on them. I checked in the Kitchen, wasn't there, and the Bathroom wasn't there either. I sat there for a second listening to the rain pounding on the roof of our house. The last place I thought of was outside. I opened the backdoor to see them sitting there crying. I tried to make the least amount of noise I could. I shut the door and went to go get an umbrella. I finally return before saying, "whatcha doing out here if you sit out here too long you'll get a cold. That's the last thing we need, wouldn't want you to get sick," I said holding the umbrella over their head. "I was only thinking, what if we adopted a puppy or kitten," they said glancing at me when I sit down next to them. "I think that would be a perfect idea. We would have a family of three the more the merrier," I said adding a smile to the statement.

"I know that's not the only thing you're thinking about. What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I just don't think I'm good enough to date you. The first time I asked you out you rejected me. I just feel like you're dating me to make me feel good about myself. I don't think I'm good enough for you."

"Sweety you're an amazing significant other. I have no clue what you're talking about saying you're not good enough for me. I am dating you because you're amazing and after you told me I caught feelings for you. I love you and you can't say I don't because you can't change how I feel." I pulled them into my torso squeezing them before adding, "We should get inside before we get too cold. Plus we can cuddle inside after we get you some tea." Once we get inside I turn on the kettle to boil the water. "I kind of want hot chocolate instead of tea tonight," they said smiling at me. "Hot chocolate it is, which flavor do you want," I asked looking over. "I will take Rasberry hot chocolate with marshmallows."
We sat there for the next 20 minutes drinking our hot chocolate. "Now can I PLEASE have my cuddles," I begged, making puppy dog eyes at them? "Yeah, why not but I get to be the little spoon," they say finally agreeing, smiling. 



442 words

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