Deku x Reader ☁

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This one I will try and make wholesome because Izuku is very wholesome. I also tried making this in 3rd person so if it's kinda wonky don't be surprised

(P/S)- Pet Store

(F/A)- Favorite Animal


You and your husband Izuku lived alone together in a cottage. The cottage was a three-bedroom house it was on the smaller side. One day your husband wanted to bring you home a surprise. "Hello, welcome to (P/S) can I help you with anything," the store clerk said in a welcoming tone. "Yes, I'm looking for your (F/A)s," Izuku responded turning to the clerk. "Their right this way," the clerk says coming out from behind the counter. The clerk shows him to the (F/A) section of the store. "All the stuff you need to take care of (F/A) is in this aisle. If you need anything just give me a holler and I'll be right over." The clerk walks away to leave Izuku to pick out the stuff for your new pet.

When Izuku finishes picking out all of the things needed he checks out. "I've been thinking about this since you walked into the store and I would hate to be rude but aren't you Deku the number one hero," the clerk says a glimpse in their eyes. "Yes, I am, I am surprising my wife with her favorite animal. I hope she likes it because if not then I will just feel bad," Izuku says scratching the back of his head. "I had no idea you were even married, I thought you just had a girlfriend," the clerk said in a surprised tone. "Nope, we've been married for a few years now." Deku paid and loaded everything into his car. "You almost forgot the actual animal," the clerk said coming out of the store with the carrier with the animal in it. "Oh shoot how could I be so foolish," he responded shaking his head before grabbing the carrier. "Thank you so much for your help. I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't have your help," Deku said starting to get into the car. "Safe travels home the clerk said before walking back to the store. Deku couldn't help but be excited to see his wife. He's been on a trip for a while and he finally gets to see you. You both have been doing facetime calls every night but he finally gets to see you in person. About 25 minutes later he finally arrives home, and everything on the outside appears well. When he opens the door he to his surprise sees his wife sleeping on the couch. "Babe, wake up I have a surprise for you," he says shaking you lightly. You wake up after a few small shakes, once you have awoken you pull him down to give him a giant hug. "I've missed you so much, sweetie I have a surprise for you too,"

"Well, who's gonna tell the other their surprise first."

"You should go first."

"You have to come out to the car to see what I got you."

Deku drags his beloved wife out to the car to show her the pet. "IS THAT A FRICKEN (F/A)," (Y/N) squeals jumping up and down with excitement. "Yes it is," he responds smiling. "I love you so much," (Y/N) says before pulling Deku in for a peck on the lips. "I have a bigger surprise," she comments when she pulls away. "What is it," Deku asks starting to wonder what could be bigger than a pet. "Wait what's bigger than a pet," Deku asks aloud. "A child." (If you get it, you get it) Deku's eyes go wide in excitement before fainting.


Welp that was predicted and thank you for the reads. I am posting this chapter 30 minutes before Midnight on Tuesday so I'm a bit early with this chapter because I have a butt load of homework to do tomorrow. Thank you for the support I love you guys


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