Bakugo X reader ☁️ (Rewritten)

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Prompt: Bakugo fluff (Dunno how to explain it)


It was the crack of dawn, Bakugo was laying in bed with his girlfriend snuggled close into his chest. He opened his eyes, hearing her small snores figuring she was still asleep. He looked to the side table next to their shared bed to the alarm clock, which read 10:00. He opened the drawer of the table pulling out a small box. He was going to propose very soon anyway today was the day. It was his day off so it would've been the best day to do it. Bakugo slid her head off of his chest. He got up to go to the kitchen to start breakfast.

(Y/N) was still sleeping when he finished cooking. He walked up to the bedroom door opening it. "It's time to get up weirdo," he yelled. He flipped her onto her back, then started moving to wake her. "Get off, you're very heavy ticking timebomb," she groaned moving him. She looked into his eyes yawning then rolling to face the nightstand to grab her fully charged phone. Bakugo grabs the device shoving it into his pocket. He quickly gets up running before she can steal it back. "What the hell Bakuhoe," she yells getting up trying to get her phone back. "You'll have to get it from me," he yells back.

"You ass I'm not doing this, it's too early!"

"Whoops maybe you shouldn't be watching Netflix shows at 2 A.M."

The couple runs down the stairs into the kitchen where she corners him into some cabinets. "I GOT IT NOW," she yells reaching into his pockets. She pulls out her phone and something else with it, a small box. "What's this I wonder," she says slowly opening the box. Before she sees what's in the box it's snatched out of her hand.

"Not for you," Bakugo says patting her head. (Y/N) grabs the box back opening it to see a small ring with a diamond in the center. (Y/N) stops for a second realizing it was an engagement ring, with the name (Y/N) carved carefully into it. Bakugo wasn't good with emotions at all the first time he asked her on a date he yelled at her.

-Flashback to two years ago-

(Y/N) was pulling a few cookies out of the oven before the door opened. "Hello welcome to (bakery name) how may I help you," she stops seeing the pro hero Ground Zero standing at the register. He seemed to be very red, this wasn't the first time he had been in her bakery. "GO ON A DATE WITH ME (Y/N)," he yelled at her. This caught her employee's attention. "Uh sure when do you want to go get something."

-Present Day-

"Oh Bakugo," she says starting to cry tears of joy. She hugs him briefly pulling away to kiss him. "Don't get all cheesy on me this is your fault dumbass, I was gonna show up to the bakery with the ring but you ruined it."

"Just like you did when we were younger?"

"Just like when we were younger, I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too."

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