Hawks x Reader Pt.2 ☁️

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This is part 2 to the first Hawks x Reader in this book. This takes place about 6 months after the first part.

(H/N) = Hero Name

(R/N) = Rival's Name


(Hawks pov)

There we were walking down the street next to each other on patrol. No one knew that we were dating except Aizawa and Endeavor. I had no idea why Hawks wanted to tell him of all people but I let him. "Do you want Fried Chicken or Chicken Nuggets," he asked looking over at me. "It's all up to you bird brain," I responded ruffling his hair. "Nuggies it is."

We're standing in waiting for my chicken nuggies and one of my fans walks up to me. "OMGASH IT'S HAWKS I LOVE YOU," she starts screaming jumping up and down. "Miss I'm going to have to ask you to step out if you're going to scream," the cashier says politely. "Let's talk outside sweetheart," I say to the girl winking. I was one of those heroes that do fan service and treat their fans like royalty. The girl started screaming again walking out behind me. "We have to wait for (H/N) though we're on patrol together," I said holding the door open for my fan. "Why are you even hanging out with HER she's just a small hero who works for a caterpillar in a sleeping bag," the girl says with a disgusted look on her face. That's when (Y/N) joins the conversation. "Shota Aizawa does a lot more than you do sweety. By the looks of it, you're in your work uniform which is KFC. So you're not in a better position than he is," my girlfriend snapped at her walking past us. "Boom RoAsTeD," a bystander said in the background which just caused me to laugh. "She's a horrible person you should hang out with me instead of her," the girl said to me glaring at my girlfriend. "I think that's enough with the two of you stop fighting (Y/N) you go on patrol stay safe. You, my baby bird follow me," I said smiling at the fan. (Y/N) is visibly upset that I'm ditching her for this crazy fangirl. Well, that's what she's most likely thinking about right now while walking away. I look back at her while she turns the corner. "Why do you even hang out with her, she's just a sidekick, you're a lot better than she is," my fan exclaims when I turn around. I look at her with a sour look "please stop insulting my friends before I leave you here in this parking lot," I say starting to walk away. "No don't leave me here," I exclaimed running up to me before I got farther away from her. "I never got your name Babybird," I said looking over to the shorter girl. "It's (R/N), what's yours," she smirks trying to get my real name. Me trying to keep my personal information personal just say Hawks. "Wahhh not fun you just told me your hero name," she pouts. "I have to have some secrets," I said winking.

After a few more hours with (R/N), we pass (Y/N). "I had no idea you were still with her," (Y/N) said glaring at my fan. "Why do you care," she glared. You could feel the tension from a mile away. "Because I happen to be his girlfriend your just a fan," she yelled piercing the fan with her gaze. The fan stands there in shock mouth and eyes wide. "OMYGASH I KNEWW ITT," the fan's attitude changed real quick. She started jumping around fangirling. "I shipped you all along, the only reason why I was so rude to you (H/N) is I wanted you to admit it. The only reason why I was flirting with you Hawks is I wanted you to admit you had a girlfriend," she says shaking (Y/N)'s shoulders. That's when the press arrived following me and (Y/N) home.


Sorry this is a day late tomorrow is the first day of school but that doesn't have to do with anything. Yesterday it was raining and I had to clean, I'm still sorry this one is probably bad because I was writing this one-shot on different days of the week so my attitude probably changed a lot throughout this one-shot.

725 words


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