Shigiraki x Reader

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Sorry this chapter is a day late I got busy with school work


It's not easy being Toga's cousin, I am the closest family member she has. What this means is you are the one to break her out of prison unless the League isn't. This also means you see the league a lot. You're best pals with Twice and Dabi but there's one person you find mysterious, you could say you're always looking for more information on him. At this point, you're infatuated with his work and want to work alongside him and the league. Your quirk is the ability to use someone's blood and form it into any powerful weapon. Twice has been trying to get you on the League. Shigiraki always says the same thing, "I'll think about it."

"I'm sorry Shigiraki is so stubborn, if I were him I'd let you in. You would be very useful to us," Twice commented after telling me how I got rejected again. "I should confront him about this, I have been asking to join for months now this is unfair," I said anger seething from my tone. "He let my cousin in and she's crazier than I am, this is utter bullshit," I yelled slamming my fist on the table in front of us. I stood up and started to walk upstairs. "Where are you going," Twice asks standing up. "I need to show you something I made years ago," I said stopping in my tracks. Twice started to walk over me and followed me upstairs into my spare room, I then opened the door. Twice's mouth dropped staring at what was in front of him. "That is a lot of-," I cut him off. "Yes, I am aware of that Twice", I said shutting the doors. "I have had an admiration of his work before I knew of Toga's existence. I think I should be in the league for the reasons of being able to help out a lot."

I am laying in bed when I hear my phone ring, I pick it up. "Hello, (Y/N) speaking," I say have no clue who could be on the other side of the line. "Hello, I am Tomura Shigiraki here to call you about the spot on the LOV," the man on the phone says. I sit there a shock for a second, 'what the hell, is this a joke.' "excuse me, if your actually Tomura Shigiraki how many times have I tried out for the LOV."

"A total of 36."

"Okay what the hell do you want and why are you calling me in the middle of the night."

"I wanted to call you to tell you that there's a position on the team. Oh, and Toga is in jail again."

"Why didn't you tell me that before you told me about the spot," I slam the phone down and get out of bed. Once I get out of bed I grab the clothes I need and change into them.

I'm running down the road towards the jail. When I reach the destination I climb the chain-link fence. "Stop right there," I heard a male's voice say. "Fuck."

I was yanked off the fence and then dragged into the prison. "Do you know what you're being put in here for miss," the guard in front of me asks? I look down so I don't have to make eye-contact with him. "I'll pull up everything you've down wrong," he said pulling out a thick manila folder. "You have firstly committed arson 3 times, you have broken several inmates out of this institution, and you have committed mass murder. These are only the severest of many crimes you have committed," he says shutting the folder. "You will have no trial and since you have committed mass murder you will be stuck in here for the rest of your days." I sit there and sigh "can I at least see my crazy cousin." "You may but you can't be closer than afoot," the guard said pulling me up out of my chair. "If you don't walk fast enough we will turn around and then you will be in your cell all night." I sighed while we walked to Toga's cell, when I got there I heard faint giggling. "The hell is she doing in there," the guard said letting go of my cuffed hands. "(Y/N) long time no see cuzzz," she says giggling. "I heard the great news, he is actually letting you join the LOV," Toga adding giggling even more. "Yeah I did, I had to come and get your ass which is when I got caught," I said sitting in the chair in front of her. "They're coming for us you know," Toga whispers leaning towards me over the table. "What was that," I said shortly after I heard a loud explosion from outside the cell. "(Y/N) we're here finally sorry it took so long Twice ripped his mask on the fence," Dabi said burning the guard that guided me here. "They should stop putting us in this prison, they realize they're making a mistake. That's why they need to but us in a maximum-security prison," Toga says giggling.


If this chapter was crap I am very sorry. I was watching Soul Eater while writing this. The idea of them being put in a normal prison is very dumb and it doesn't make sense I am so sorry. 

-Hailey 913 words

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