Monoma X Reader

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Sorry for messing up my posting schedule again I've been doing that a lot. I have chosen to start posting only once a week. That you for your patience. This one will be a bit triggering it brings up bullying, hate on Bakugo, and other insults.



I already wasn't having a good day, that morning my Mom threw a sandal at me because I set the smoke alarms off waking her up. It wasn't the best morning ever but I survived it. I then finally got on the train on the way to school. I got off at my stop and headed into UA when I bumped into someone in the hallway. "Watch where you're going you damn extra," the boy shouted activating his quirk. I wasn't going to put up with his shit this morning. If this kid had bumped into me any other morning I would apologize but I wasn't putting up with it. "Listen up asshole I am not putting up with your shit I have been through enough this morning. If you wouldn't be such an asshole I would apologize but guess I won't. I'm going to ask you to fuck off and bother me later," I responded walking away. "Little shit you can't just walk away from me. You're disrespecting the future No.1 hero I will surpass you, you lame-o. Everything about you is shit, you're a shithead, you're a bitch, you will never make it in life without having to feed off others for help."

"Shut the fuck up you selfish asshole you're the living embodiment of an asshole. Shut the fuck up you motherfucking angry bitchy fuckhead."

That's when the boy through his fist straight towards my face. My quirk was a healing quirk so I couldn't use it in battle except for healing myself. I was fucked at this point this boy was going to die and I knew that this was going to be my first and last day at UA. "P-please," I whimpered to the boy walking farther away. "I SAID PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME," I said again this time a lot louder than before. I hear his footsteps stop, "you know it's not nice to fight a girl and hurt her the way you are." The brat on me starts yelling "SHUT THE HELL UP, DO I LOOK LIKE I. ME OUT OF ALL PEOPLE CARE," he yells, I flinch and then he looks back at me. "Get off of her," the boy says running towards us pulling the brat off me. "You didn't even say your name and you beat her up," the boy said. "Well I'm (Y/N), I'm gonna get a teacher," I said getting up and walking to the closest classroom. I finally got a teacher and got the brat in trouble. It was just me and the other boy in the office waiting. "I don't think I mentioned my name, I'm Monoma. I want to take you out on a date..."


I'm sorry I was gonna post this yesterday but then my dumb online friends kept distracting me. This one is probably the worst chapter thus far. I am sorry I will start trying to post on Wednesdays because those are my free days. Thank you so much for the patience

550 Words


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