Hawks x Reader (Rewritten)

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Hi, it's me again and this is an actual oneshot. This is for my friend, she didn't suggest it but I am doing it anyway. I know there are some Hawks fangirls out there. This is in celebration for 100 reads on Wattpad thank you for the 100 reads.


3rd Person POV

Hawks and (Y/N) are chasing their kids around the house trying to catch them. It was bedtime the worst time of the day. The reason it was the worst is their kids could never fall asleep. "Gotcha," (Y/N) screamed catching one of their demon children. The two of them had twins and their children were demons developing their quirks. "I want a bedtime story," one of their children screamed. "If your brother comes here and lets your mother and I tuck you both in then you'll get a bedtime story," (Y/N) said carrying one of their sons up to bed. It was a while but Hawks followed after. "Which story do you want to hear now," Hawks said tucking in their other son.

"What about the story of how you met."


Hawk's POV

I was sitting in some dumb hero meeting that Eraserhead was hosting on the information on the league of villains. I had encountered a few of them such as Dabi and Toga but that was about it. I got a text from one of my workers from the agency about the work I had the secretary give to him. I understood why he needed help because this was his first week. I made sure I explained it well enough so he did the work right. I looked up from my phone for a second seeing Endeavor sitting next to me. 

"You shouldn't be texting during a pro hero meeting that's very rude," he said strictly. 

I mimicked him shortly "it hasn't even starte-," I stopped to see a girl in a black bodysuit walking into the board room. 

She had scarfs like Eraserhead's she must be his assistant. I started to feel my feathers puff out and I started turning red.

 "What are you doing," Endeavor asked looking at me strangely. 

"Shush, don't ruin the moment," I said putting a hand over his mouth. 

He pulled away from my hand eventually understanding what I was doing. "We're going to start the meeting now I want to remind everyone to please turn off their cellphones and put them in the receptacle upfront," she said walking off the podium.

 Eraserhead walked up to the podium starting to about the phones. After we all put our phones in the box thingy he started talking.

 "Earth to Hawks are you okay," he asked me. 

"Yeah it's just really warm in this room," I responded pulling out a feather. 

"Yeah, I noticed you are losing feathers because of how much you are puffing out your feathers. Take a break outside (Y/N) will get you water," he says. 

I walk out of the board room collecting my feathers too. I stood outside putting all my feathers on the ground, I stood there having my feathers connect back to my wings. 

"Pretty impressive, I am (Y/N) I am Eraserhead's sister. I'm 7 years younger than him though so I'm 24," she explains handing me a cup of water.

"You can leave the meeting you don't to work on this case we have a lot of pro heroes plus the number 1 hero," she adds watching my feathers connect. I nod getting up, I hand her the empty glass still puffing my feathers out. 

"Enjoy the rest of your day Hawks," she says smiling at me.

Timeskip to later that night

I was lying in bed thinking about (Y/N), everything about her was amazing. I got up making a nest of blankets, whenever I can't sleep this helps me. 'I think I have come across the one for me,' I thought to myself as I lie down into my nest. I must some sleep so I can work tomorrow.

Timeskip again brought to you by Hawks acting like a bird.

I was awoken by the doorbell ringing. "Coming," I yelled groggily getting up.

 I throw on a shirt and walk to the door. "You forgot your phone in the meeting yesterday," (y/n) said handing me my phone. I thanked her, shutting the door I turn around my phone to see a slip of paper in my phone case. 

"I got her number," I said celebrating the achievement. 

I start dancing around and eventually make my way to the shower to start my day. After I am washed up I shave and do my make-up. Shortly after making breakfast, I text her.



<Hey, it's Hawks why'd you give me your number exactly?

>I gave it to you after researching birds' behavior when they find their mate. I can take it back you seem like a guy I could stay with. I talked with others who knew you and they said I should shoot my shot. I'm also an extremely big fan but I am good at concealing my emotions, it's part of my quirk.

<Wanna get coffee at 12 today?

851 words

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