Izuku X Uraraka ☁️ (Rewritten)

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Prompt: Uraraka does Izuku's hair while cuddling


Uraraka's POV

It was nearly 8 in the morning the sparrows outside my window woke me up. I went to sit up when I felt a heavy weight on my ribs. I peered down to see my lover sleeping on my chest arms wrapped around my sides. Deku and I have been dating since our second year at UA. We were pro heroes now and we both were very hard working. I look to the side to see my phone buzzing on the side table. I was hoping I wouldn't wake Deku up but instead, when I go to grab it he starts to toss in his sleep, he lifts his weight off of my chest. I look back at my phone grabbing it before the person hangs up. "Hello," I ask answering to the person on the other side of the line.

"Uravity we don't need you to come to work today, oh, and make sure you tell Deku he doesn't have to go today too. You both are too hard-working," the man says on the other side of the line. 

"Thanks," I say hanging up the phone turning back to see my boyfriend looking at me with squinted green eyes. 

"What was that about," he asks his voice raspy. 

"It was the hero agency, they said we don't have we to go to work today." 

We lay there in silence for a few minutes staring at each other. "How did I end up with someone as sweet as you Deku." I look at him smiling and tangling my hands into his hair.

"I could say the same thing about you sweetheart," Deku says looking up at me into my eyes.
I pull Deku in and kisses him on the forehead. 

"Can you do my hair," Deku asks looking into my eyes smiling lightly? 

"Yeah totally"

Here I am sitting there braiding Deku's hair. "It's so hard being the number one hero most of the time. With all the fans and then Bakugo still trying to surpass me. I wish he was the way he was before he got his quirk." I just sat there listening to him ranting about his issues. "I really wish I could help with the wedding plans. I don't want you stressing yourself about our wedding. Maybe I can help you today since I don't have anything going on." I didn't do too much hero work and when I was free I was planning our wedding. I finally finished up his hair pulling him onto my chest stroking his back. 

"Maybe we can have a date day."

"That sounds great," he says looking up at me and smiling

"We should get ready for the day." 

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