Bakugo x Kirishima ☁️🌈

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Hello, beloved reader I know I make author's notes wanted I just every chapter but this is important. Since school is starting in 9 days I will try to update at least once or twice a week. I will continuously update it until then.


Kirishima's POV

I've been dating my boyfriend Bakugo for a while now, it's been at least 2 years now. We have been talking about moving in together for forever now. I will be moving into his apartment, he has a bigger apartment than I do, and that decided it. We both decided today was the day I was going to move and go through my stuff. I have a lot of stuff so he's coming to help me get rid of things. "I finally finished washing the dishing," I said to myself. I was going to start going through this without him. I started packing up my plates. I knew he had plenty of pots and pans because he loved cooking. The stuff I wasn't keeping I'm throwing out of giving to charity. I opened the cabinet with the silverware and boxed it up.

I finished boxing up the dishes when I heard someone entering my apartment. I assumed it was Bakugo then I heard a yell to clarify my assumption. "Kiri where are you," he yelled walking through the living room. "I'm in the Kitchen," I responded then shortly after he entered the Kitchen. "Hey baby," he says to me kissing me on the lips. "I just finished up the Kitchen we can move to the bathroom. I know there are a lot of half-used bottles of red hair dye if you stumble across those then combine them," I explained to him while walking towards the bathroom. I knew I didn't have a lot in my bathroom except for hair dye and my essentials.

We finished packing up the Bathroom and went to my room. I had a big room so it would take forever to finish packing up my room. I pulled a few bags from my closet, these were supposed to be for my clothes. I pulled out one of my red button-up shirts and looked at it closely, it was the shirt I wore on my first date with Bakugo. "Babe I found the shirt," I said turning around to show him. "Holy hell how do you still even have that shirt," he said looking at it smiling."I have no idea but I'm going to put it on," I said pulling off my current shirt and putting on the one I pulled out of the closet. That's when I looked up to see Bakugo staring than looking away. "You have a new scar did you get it when you were battling that damn bomber," he said anger lacing his voice. "Yeah he got me good, if it weren't for Kaminari showing up I would probably have a few broken bones," I said folding up the old shirt I was wearing previously. "I'm keeping this shirt," I added smiling at him.

We continued to go through my belongings and we had our laughs. We sat there for a few hours when we finished going through my belongings. "Do you want Ramen for dinner," I asked my hands combing through his hair? "You know who you're talking to right? Of I do, make it spicy ramen," he said sitting up from my chest. "Where the hell are you going to sleep now," he added. "I thought we were sleeping in the same room.


587 words

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