Kaminari X Jiro ☁️ (Rewritten)

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Prompt: Jiro and Kaminari go on a picnic and make flower crowns.


It was the end of the day and the girls Jiro, Momo, Uraraka, and Tsuyu were walking to the exit. "Hey, Jiro wait up," Denki's voice called from behind the girls. She turned around to see him slightly running to catch up. She waits for him while the other girls continue to walk.

"What's up Denki?"

"Would you want to maybe go on a date with me on Saturday, that is if you don't have anything going on"

"Sure what were you planning"

"A picnic"

There she was sitting in her room at 10:30 struggling to find something to wear for her date with Denki. She had invited over her friends to help her pick out something for her to wear to her date. "Maybe this one," Tsuyu says pulling a pink skimpy dress out of her closet. "Hell no I never wear that piece of shit it's too bright my Mom wore that on her first date," Jiro comments rolling her eyes. "How romantic," Momo comments taking it and holding it to her chest jokingly.

"What about this," Uraraka says pulling out a purple dress

"What about this," Uraraka says pulling out a purple dress

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(Something like this)

The girls drop everything seeing the dress. "That's beautiful why don't you wear that more," Tsuyu says examining the dress. "I'm going to make you wear this if you don't wear it," Uraraka says staring at the dress. "No I agree with you, I am wearing that."

Denki's POV (him getting ready)

"I don't know what to wear do I look like I have ever been on a date before, it was hard enough to muster up the courage and ask her." Denki was panicking while Kirishima sat in his room laughing at him. "What is your issue Denki we go to school with her at least she's not some chick offline. It's not manly for you to panic over this," Kirishima says poking fun at his friend. "Just throw some clothes together nothing big like a tux. Something like this," Kirishima goes up to the closet pulling out a white shirt, black shorts, and a jacket of mine.

"Actually yeah wear this, this is perfect for you to wear," he says examining the outfit he picked out. "I'm gonna go try it go try it on," Denki says leaving the room to go change. A few minutes pass and he comes back into the room in the outfit. "Now that's manly."

"Stay safe use protection," Kirishima yells out the car window to Denki who flips him off. "Fuck off Dad. Denki looked down at his phone to check the time, he had twenty minutes to set up the blanket and basket. Denki chose the spot next to a patch of flowers. "I hope she'll like it," Denki says when he finished setting up. "I'm sure I will," he hears a voice say behind him. Jiro's voice startles him making him jump slightly. He turns around to see her and his jaw drops. "fuck."

The two are laughing and enjoying each other's company until Denki looks down to start picking at the flowers. Jiro starts doing the same but she starts to knot them together. "We should make flower crowns for each other," Jiro mentions and Denki nods in approval. Jiro picks up the flowers and starts immediately knotting them together without any issue. Denki, however, sits there trying to knot them but they don't stay together. After a few minutes, Denki starts whining "they're not staying together." "Do you want some help Pikachu," Jiro asks making Denki blush? "Y-yeah sure," Denki says stuttering slightly before giving her the failed attempt of a flower crown. "You have to knot them like this," she says drawing his attention. Denki leans close so he can see her technique before she looks up. "You got that Pikachu," she asks him while her breath fans his face. "Can I do something," he asks looking at her lips. "Yeah," she says closing the gap between them slowly until there is no more space. The two kiss for a while before they're interrupted by a car horn. "I leave you for one second and you're kissing her when I come back," Kirishima yells from the car. The two look at each other for a second panting slightly. "Wow."

"When do you want to go on another date," Denki asks smiling at her. "Maybe next Friday," she responds smiling back. Denki goes in for another kiss but this time it's only a peck. "I've got to go Denki thank you for the amazing afternoon," she says walking backward to Momo's car. "No problem Earphones," he says smirking. Jiro gets in the car telling Momo to drive. A few minutes into the car ride Momo asks, "what's with the flower crown?"

"It's a gift."

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