Kirishima x Reader ☁

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Hello, I wanted to thank everyone so much for the support. I got to 500 views this week which is insane. To the people who are actually reading my story, I want to thank you. That's enough babbler on with another chapter.

Ps: This chapter has some slightly sexual scenes. and it also contains the song Wonder wall.


(Your POV)

"Hey (Y/N) do you have anything to do later today," Mina said to me while we walk down the hallway. "Well, I have that essay Mic assigned us," I said glancing over to her. "Damn because it was gonna be a bomb ass par-," Mina starts a sentence but doesn't get to finish it."DID YOU JUST SAY YOU WE'RE MISSING A PARTY BECAUSE OF MY HOMEWORK," Mic screams from down the hall. "I- yes I did," I responded before also being interrupted. "You know, (Y/N) you should go, turn in the essay on Monday instead of Saturday."

We were standing there in my room for what seemed like hours picking out my outfit.

"Where did you even get this dress," Mina asks checking out the dress. By her expression, it seemed like she liked the dress and wanted one of her own. "I got it at target believe it or not," I responded turning around to face her. I watched her jaw drop and then she started laughing. "You know I didn't expect that," she answered.

"Kirishima is so lucky to have you (Y/N).

"Denki is lucky to have you, Mina."

"Who's dorm is this in again, you didn't tell me," I asked. "It's in the common area, Mr.Aizawa approved it!" "That's surprising," I said continuing to walk next to her to the elevator. I pressed the button waiting for the elevator to ding. Once the elevator dings we step in and press the lobby button. We stand there in silence for a few seconds while the elevator goes down. The elevator opens and we step out into the lobby. "Hey look the hostess finally showed up, she's five minutes late," Denki starts to tease Mina while I stand there. "Wow, who's the cutey in the corner," Kirishima says walking over to me. When he stops in front of me he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. "Oi shitty hair you ever heard of keeping affection for your room," Bakugo growls rolling his eyes. "What are you jealous you can't get hugs and kisses," Denki says smirking. "No, I don't have time for shitty girls, if I am going to become the number one hero," he responds starting to get upset. "I don't mind it," Mineta says drooling looking at Mina sensually. "Shut up you damn grape," Bakugo says starting to make small explosions in his palms.

Everything after Mineta got kicked out of the party was good. We played a few party classics like Truth or Dare, and Would you Rather, we also played a game of beer pong just with apple juice. "Hey who wants to play more apple juice pong," Denki says getting up from the couch. "I'll play if (Y/N) plays on my team," Kirishima says rubbing his hand on my back. "I'll play on your team Kiri," I said standing up to walk over to the juice pong table. "Who's gonna be on your team Denki," I asked when Kiri and I reach the other side of the table. "Mina, you wanna play," he asks glancing at Mina. "I'm down," she responds standing up to walk to the table. "You guys up first." Kiri threw the ping pong ball into their first cup. "Mina do you want to drink the apple juice," Denki asks picking up the cup and handing it to her. "Hell yes, I love apple juice," Mina says before downing the apple juice. "You know that means we're in the lead," Kiri states. "Yes but I just love apple juice," Mina responds flipping the cup over before placing it down. The game continued with Mina's team in the lead surprisingly. "It's your turn," I said staring down at our last cup. "This will be an easy win," Denki says tossing the ping pong ball into the cup. "LET'S FUCKING GOOOO," Mina says chest-bumping with Denki. That's when I heard a door open. "If I hear one more person scream about something I'm shutting down the party," Mr.Aizawa says coming out of his room in his sleeping bag. "You should come and sing karaoke with us," Mina suggests to the grumpy man. "I'm not Mic, get Mic to do that stuff. You will not catch me singing," he says going back into his room. "Not even for Eri," I yell to him before he shuts his door. "NO, Eri is no exception," he says shutting the door. "Such a shame, maybe if he gets drunk one day we will have to convince him then," Mina proposes.

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