Part 5

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Dr.Sidharth - shehnaaz look at me.
She nod negatively. He went other side of bed and ask her to open her eyes.
Sidharth - what happened? Tell me.

She opened her eyes but she was not looking at him.
Why you are behaving like this?
Now we are friends so you shouldn't behave like this.

He hold her hand and softly said "look at me!!  Do you count me as your friend?" She nod yess.

Sidharth - Trust me i'll help you to reduce your pain and don't worry I'll not share your secret with anyone okay!!
Shehnaaz - okay😊
Sidharth - now as a good girl let me take ur blood for test and also i'll start drip so you feel better okay.

Shehnaaz - This will hurt ?? Asked Like cute little baby.
Sidharth - No; just don't look towards your hand okay!! And you'll be fine.

He start taking her blood for sample but when he touch Syringe 💉 on her skin, she hold his hand very tightly and scream in pain. Don't know why but He also felt pain in his heart.

Sidharth - (spoke softly)...shehnaaz look at me, see  i am almost done.
Tears start rolling on her cheeks. Somewhere he was also feeling so bad because of her tears.

Sidharth - See, i am done. You are brave girl and now please stop crying.
He came close to her and cupped her face in his hand.
He wiped her tears and gave her forehead kiss.
Sidharth - I' am promising you that you will be fine soon. Now give me your cute smile

He hold her hand and ask her to promise him.
Sidharth - promise me you will not think about Raj and also not stress yourself.
Shehnaaz - with cute pout .!! okay but promise me now you won't give me injections.

Sidharth - I cannot promise but yaa I'll make sure no one else give you injection or change your bandage except me so you don't feel pain okay.?  HAPPY?
Shehnaaz - yess. Thank you Dr.
Sidharth - now smile and have dinner and also have medicines so you will be fine soon okay.
Shehnaaz - with little smile. Okay😊

He went outside and meet her father and Raj.

Mr.Gill - How's shehnaaz now ?
Dr.Sidharth - she is okay but she need to stay here for little more time as her head injuries still not recovered. She needs to stay under observation.
Raj - But college starting from tomorrow and she will miss her study.!!
Dr.Sidharth - i can give medical emergency letter so college will approve her leave for a month.
After hearing this Raj was heart broken because he will not see her in the college and he have to stay away from her.

Raj - (shockingly) For one month ??
Dr.Sidharth - Yes!! Is there any problem?
She need medical attention and it's better for her if she stay here.
Mr.Gill - okay Dr. No problem.
Dr.Sidharth - excuse me!!!!

Mr.Gill - Raj i think you should leave now because from tomorrow you have to attend college.
Raj - uncle, can i stay here tonight?
Mr.Gill - Raj, i know you feel bad for shehnaaz but you have to take care of yourself and also need to attend college so you can give your notes to shehnaaz.
Don't worry i am here and she will be fine soon.

Raj - okay uncle
Mr.Gill - Good night and take care
Raj - you too uncle

Next morning, Dr.Sidharth came hospital early because he has to give medical leave  letter to Mr.Gill and also he have to attend surgery.

Dr.Dev - Good morning Dr.sidharth
Dr.Sidharth - Good morning
Dr.Sidharth - How's shehnaaz ?
Dr.Dev - better, still sleeping from last night
Dr.Sidharth- okay, Good

Listen, i have to attend surgery and Mr.Gill need to submit Shehnaaz's medical leave letter so here it is, give it to him okay.!!
Dr.Dev - okay Dr.

Dr. Sidharth- And yess!! Make sure to get done CT Scan and MRI by afternoon okay.
I'll be back in the afternoon.
Dr.Dev - okay Dr. everything will be done by afternoon.
Dr.Sidharth - Okay, Good
See you in the Afternoon.

Here, Raj got ready to go to college. He was sad because he want shehnaaz with him.
He went to class and sit next to his group member and told that shehnaaz will not be able to come college for 1 month. Every one was sad after hearing this.

Dr.Sidharth finished surgery and heading towards college to meet principal at 11 am.


Let me know how u guys like it 😊😊

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