Part 133

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Both went to bathroom and as usual after brush he ordered breakfast and she took shower..!!! She came out wearing jeans and tank top..!! He looked at her and bring her back in bedroom..!!!

Shehnaaz - What happened ??

Sidharth - U r not going out wearing this...!!!

Shehnaaz - Why ? What's a problem with this top ??

Sidharth - Hands up 🙆‍♀️

She did what he asked for...!! She raised her hand and he held ham of top and took it off...!!! He kiss on birthmark when she was standing in b**...!!!

Sidharth - I m the only one who can see your milky skin and beautiful body no one else, my Love..!!!

Shehnaaz - Okay so now what you want me to wear Dr.Sidharth??

Sidharth - I don't want you to wear anything if u r staying in this room but unfortunately u r going for rehearsals so I want you to wear something that not show your milky skin..!!😘😘

He grab one full sleeve top from closet....!!!

Sidharth - i think u never wore this one so u should wear this one..!

Shehnaaz - Okay...!!!  now slide this top quickly because we r getting late for breakfast Dr...!!

He smiled at her for her order😅😅..!!!

Sidharth - Okay..!! Let's go My Naaz..!!!

Both walked out from bedroom and came in Dinning area...!!! Both feed each other with immense love..!!! Her chattering like never ends, she is continuously speaking nonsense and he is just smiling and laughing because of her nonsense talk...!!

Shehnaaz - i hope Laura come soon because it's already 7:50...!!

Sidharth - Give me my kiss before Laura comes..!!

Shehnaaz - Not right now Sidharth, i m getting late...!! 🙄🙄🙄

He pull her with jerk until she touch his chest..!!!

Sidharth - I hate NO, specially from u..!!! So don't u dare to Say NO..!!

He capture her lips for morning kiss...!!! First, he bite her hard because she said NO for kiss and after that he starts soothing his bite..!!!

She also start kissing him..!! He kissed her until she starts panting..!!! He left her lips after exploring every corner of her mouth..!! 

Sidharth - I hope u won't say NO again..!!

She nodded in No..!

Sidharth - Good girl..!!
Now call Lau..!!(he stop in middle when door bell ring)

Sidharth - I think she is here..!

He opened door and Laura walked in Drawing room..!!

Laura - Good morning Dr and Good morning shehnaaz..!!!
Sorry i got stuck in traffic..!!

Shehnaaz - It's okay..!!! Now let's Go..!!

Laura - Yeah Let's Go..!!!

Wait..!!! I think you forgot to apply your lipstick..!!

Shehnaaz - No, i just applied lipgloss few minutes back..!!

Laura - No Shehnaaz, i think u forgot..!!

Shehnaaz - Sidharth, didn't i applied lipgloss few minutes back..???

He looked at her 😳😳😳 because she blabbered something that she shouldn't in front of Laura..!!! She bite her lower lip in realization that what she just said..!!

Sidharth - I don't know...!!  🙄🙄🙄

Shehnaaz - 🙄🙄🙄
Yeah, i think i forgot to apply my lipgloss today 😏😏

She walked back in bedroom and he also followed her..!!!

Shehnaaz - Now don't kiss me again because i m already late sidharth..!!! 🙄

Sidharth - By the way i loved strawberry lipgloss, that u applied in morning..!!😅

Shehnaaz - It means I didn't forgot to apply today right ??

Sidharth - Right..!! When we kissed that time  i sucked your lipgloss..!! ❤️

Shehnaaz - ☺️☺️☺️☺️
So why you said you don't know??

Sidharth - What else u was expecting me to say ??

Shehnaaz - Nothing leave it..!! I m getting late..!! See u in evening..!!

Sidharth - Okay By, Take care..!!!

Shehnaaz - By

She left and he also left for meetings..!! It's another busy day for both of them..!! He called her but she missed his two calls..!!  She called him back at 4 o'clock..!

Shehnaaz - Hy..!! sorry i was busy when u called me

Sidharth - It's okay..!! How's your day going..!? Had lunch and medicines on time??

Shehnaaz - Day going good and yes i took medicines on time..!!!

I think today we wrapping shoot at 6 o'clock...!!

Sidharth - That's good..!!! I'll see u at 6 o'clock..!!

Shehnaaz - Okay..!! See u at 6 o'clock

After disconnecting her call he called his manger to cancel last meeting of the day and reschedule it tomorrow..!!!

He want to spend quality time with her because from tomorrow she won't be free until midnight..!!!

He wrap up his all work and he left for the hotel at 5:30...!!!! He reached hotel by 6 o'clock and Smile spread on their face when both entered in elevator together...!!! He walked at the end and she also followed him..!!

Both get out from elevator and walked towards their suite..!!!! After opening door first thing he hugged her tightly...!!! She also hugged him back tightly..!!!

Sidharth - I missed u Naaz..!!!

Shehnaaz - I missed u too Sidharth.,!!!

After breaking hug both came in Bedroom..!!

Shehnaaz - I think i should clear this mess that I created yesterday and also pack all the clothes because from tomorrow I won't get time to do anything..!!!

Sidharth - Before u pack your clothes, u need to show me all clothes and if i feel like u can wear it in my absence then u can keep it...!!

Shehnaaz - Do u want me to wear all clothes and show u?? 🙄🙄🙄

Sidharth - Yes baby..!!!


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